

2016-12-12    03'48''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

68 2

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~● 《小酥鱼》 Small Crisp Fish 小山溪睡了 小虫子睡了 连夜都睡着了的时候 剩下我 还睁着双眼 惦记着白天捉的小鱼 妈妈把它们做成了小酥鱼 藏在厨柜里 The little stream was asleep The tiny bugs were asleep When night fell asleep Only I opened my eyes Thinking of that fish caught in the day Mother cooked them into the small crisp fish Hid in the kitchen cabinet 小山村睡了 都市也睡了 妈妈睡了再也不会醒来 剩下我 还伏在电脑前 一边敲着键盘一边在想 我将来的孩子们啊他们不会知道 我妈妈做的小酥鱼有多滋味 Small village slept City slept Mom went to sleep but could never wake up Just left me alone ,who was In front of the computer Knocking the keyboard while thinking My unborn kids would never know How delicious the small crisp fish made by my mother !