S2E9 The Satan Pit
-Ida: I&`&d go. What about you?
-10th:Oh,, in a second then think again.. that is so human, where angels fear to tread, even now, standing on the edge(只有人类才会这样勇往直前(到连天使都不敢涉足的地方)即使是现在,我们就站在刀锋上).. Is that feeling you get? Yeah? Right at the back of your head, that impulse(冲动), that strange little impulse.. That mad little voice saying "go on, go on, go on, go over, go on" maybe it&`&s relaying on that(我们可能正落入他的圈套) .. for once in my life, officer scott, I‘m going to say retreat.. oh now I know I‘m getting old.. Rose, we are coming back.
-Rose: Best news I‘ve heard all day.