【英语文章分享】01. Find Your Greatness

【英语文章分享】01. Find Your Greatness

2021-01-15    02'42''

主播: 墩墩🍄🌰

251 1

开了一个新的小栏目,分享一些英语短文,做的不好的地方欢迎大家指正哦 第一课 Find Your Greatness Greatness. It’s just something we made up. Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is a gift, reserved for a chosen few — for prodigies, for superstars — and the rest of us can only stand by watching. You can forget that. Greatness is not some rare DNA strand. It’s not some precious thing. Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing. We’re all capable of it, all of us. 发现你的伟大 伟大,只是我们编造出来的。不知道为什么,我们渐渐地把伟大当成是为少数特定人选预留的天赋,比如奇才、超级明星,而我们其他人只能站在一旁观望而已。你可以忽略这些。伟大不是什么稀有基因链。也不是什么珍贵的东西。伟大对于我们来说,其实和呼吸一样。我们中的每一个人,都有能力做到。