【英语短文分享】02. Ideas are scary

【英语短文分享】02. Ideas are scary

2021-01-18    01'43''

主播: 墩墩🍄🌰

233 2

02. Ideas Are Scary Ideas are scary. They come into this world ugly and messy. Ideas are frightening, because they threaten what is known. They are the natural born enemy of the way things are. Yes, ideas are scary and messy and fragile. But under the proper care, they become something beautiful. 想法是可怕的 想法是可怕的。他们以一种丑陋和邋遢的方式来到这个世界上。想法令人恐惧,因为他们威胁已知的事物。他们是事情固有方式的天敌。不错,想法可怕、邋遢而脆弱。但在适当呵护之下,他们就能变得绚烂夺目。