

2015-10-03    11'30''

主播: 英伦CD

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欢迎关注我们的微信公众账号"CDEnglish"获得更多英式英语学习内容! 部分字幕文案: 首先让我们再来回想一下 Indeed 这个单词,Indeed 的意思是:确实、的确、绝对的(肯定某人的观点,强调) The general economic outlook in China at the moment is indeed good (现在中国的经济前景总体上是绝对很好的) If someone says "Last year was fantastic!" You could reply "Last year was fantastic, indeed." (如果某人对你说,去年是很棒的一年,你可以回答他,对!去年的确是棒极了的一年) Straight ahead 毫无迟疑地/笔直往前 If you asked "How do you get to the church?" Someone might reply "Just go straight ahead, then turn right" (“请问去教堂怎么走”一个人可能会回答你“就笔直向前走然后向右拐) Sherlock said: "I went straight ahead and moved in." (夏洛克说“我直接就搬进来了”) Straighten things up 整理东西 Your manager might also say "This office is a mess, straighten things up, please!" (你的老板可能会对你说:“这办公室太乱了,请整理干净好吗!”) A bit 一点,一下,稍微 "Can you speak up a bit please?" (请问你可以说大声一点吗?) Could I please try a bit of that cake? (请问我可不可以尝一点点那个蛋糕?) There's a bit too much sugar in the dessert, which makes it a bit too sweet (糖好像有点放多了在这个甜点里,所以让它吃起来有点太甜了。) Do you think you have memorised how to use all
下一期: 听懂“神探夏洛克”2---英伦CD