Gone girl

Gone girl

2022-08-21    03'04''

主播: 启军😝

141 1

To 'fake↗ a con'vincing 'murder you have to have 'discipline↘. You be'friend↗ / a 'local / 'idiot↘. 'Harvest↗ the 'details of her 'humdrum life↘. And cram 'her↗ with 'stories↗ about your 'husband's↗ 'violent↗ 'temper↘. 'Secretly cre'ate↗ some 'money troubles: 'credit cards↗, per'haps↗ 'on'line 'gambling↘. With the 'help↗ of the un'witting↗, bump 'up↗ your 'life in'surance↘. 'Purchase 'getaway↗ car↘. 'Craigslist↘. Ge'neric↘. 'Cheap↘. Pay 'cash↘. You 'need↗ to 'package yourself so that 'people will 'truly 'mourn your 'loss↘. And A'merica↗ / 'loves↗ / 'pregnant women↘. You 'know↗ 'what's hard↘? 'Faking a pregnancy↘. 'First↗, drain 'your↗ 'toilet↘. Invite 'pregnant 'idiot into your 'home↗ / and ply 'her↗ with 'lemonade↘. 'Steal 'pregnant 'idiot's 'urine↘. 'Voila↘! A 'pregnancy / is 'now↗ 'part / of your 'legal / 'medical / 'record↘. 'Happy↗ 'Anni'versary↘. 'Wait↗ / for your 'clueless 'husband / to 'start his 'day↘. Off 'he 'goes↘. And the 'clock↗ is 'ticking↘. Me'ticulously 'stage↗ your 'crime scene / with just↗ enough mis'takes to 'raise↗ the 'specter of 'doubt↘. You need to 'bleed↘. A 'lot↘. A 'lot a 'lot↘. The 'head wound kind of 'bleed↘. A 'crime scene kind of 'bleed↘. You need to 'clean↗; 'poorly, like 'he would↘. 'Clean↗ and bleed, 'bleed↗ and clean↘. And 'leave a little something 'behind: a 'fire↗ in 'July↗? And be'cause↗ you're 'you, 'you don't stop 'there↘. You 'need↗ / a 'diary↘. 'Minimum↗ / 'three hundred 'entries on the 'Nick and 'Amy story↘. 'Start↗ with the 'fairy-tale↗ 'early days↘. 'Those are 'true↘. And they're 'crucial↘. 'You want 'Nick↗ and 'Amy to be 'likable↘. After↗ that, you in'vent↘. The 'spending↘. The a'buse↘. The 'fear↘. The 'threat of 'violence↘. And 'Nick thought 'he was the 'writer↘. 'Burn it 'just the 'right a'mount↘. Make 'sure / the 'cops will 'find it↘. 'Finally, 'honor tra'dition with a 'very 'special 'treasure hunt↘. And if I get everything 'right, the 'world↗ will 'hate 'Nick for 'killing his 'beautiful↗, 'pregnant↗ 'wife↘. (2)未标注版: To fake a convincing murder you have to have discipline. You befriend a local idiot. Harvest the details of her humdrum life. And cram her with stories about your husband's violent temper. Secretly create some money troubles: credit cards, perhaps online gambling. With the help of the unwitting, bump up your life insurance. Purchase getaway car. Craigslist. Generic. Cheap. Pay cash. You need to package yourself so that people will truly mourn your loss. And America loves pregnant women. You know what's hard? Faking a pregnancy. First, drain your toilet. Invite pregnant idiot into your home and ply her with lemonade. Steal pregnant idiot's urine. Voila! A pregnancy is now part of your legal medical record. Happy Anniversary. Wait for your clueless husband to start his day. Off he goes. And the clock is ticking. Meticulously stage your crime scene with just enough mistakes to raise the specter of doubt. You need to bleed. A lot. A lot a lot. The head wound kind of bleed. A crime scene kind of bleed. You need to clean, poorly, like he would. Clean and bleed, bleed and clean. And leave a little something behind: a fire in July? And because you're you, you don't stop there. You need a diary. Minimum three hundred entries on the Nick and Amy story. Start with the fairy-tale early days. Those are true. And they're crucial. You want Nick and Amy to be likable. After that, you invent. The spending. The abuse. The fear. The threat of violence. And Nick thought he was the writer. Burn it just the right amount. Make sure the cops will find it. Finally, honor tradition with a very special treasure hunt. And if I get everything right, the world will hate Nick for killing his beautiful, pregnant wife.
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