Daily English 021:光鲜亮丽的自己

Daily English 021:光鲜亮丽的自己

2019-08-04    14'09''

主播: 海驴英语

94 2

You had a bad breath. Brush your teeth. I wash my face with mild cleanser. toothpaste 牙膏 soap 香皂 foaming cleanser 泡沫洗面奶 I wake up early to take a warm shower. Brush the hair and get dressed before breakfast. Breakfast is ready. come to the table. Mother, what&`&s for breakfast? Bob- What do you do after waking up? 你起床后干什么? Linda- I brush my teeth and wash my face. 我刷牙然后洗脸。 Bob- You don&`&t take shower at morning? 你早上不洗澡吗? Linda- Seldom, because I have to catch the bus. 很少,因为我要赶车。 Bob- I think you waste much time making up yourself. 我想你应该花了不少时间收拾自己。 Linda- Yes,l like to be glamorous.