

2019-07-07    08'54''

主播: 子儿君

180 1

为什么蚊子独宠你一个?| Why mosquitoes bite you more Hands up if you've ever been personally victimized by gnats and mosquitoes. 每年夏天都被“新蚊连啵”的旁友们请举起你们的小手…… Do they seem to gravitate towards your warm, delicious blood, and leave everyone else untouched and un-itchy? 这些烦人的小恶魔是不是总是“专宠”你一个,而把你的朋友们冷落在一边,毫发无伤? Have you ever wondered what it is that makes your blood so delicious for the little pesky flying bastards? 你难道就不奇怪到底是什么让你的血液如此香甜诱人,使得这些嗡嗡乱飞的妖孽们欲罢不能吗?? Turns out there are a bunch of reasons!  真相……不只有一个! 1 How much carbon dioxide you exude makes a difference to how appetizing you are to the buggers. 首先,你呼出的二氧化碳量决定了你在蚊子看来有多“开胃”。 People with a larger body mass and pregnant people produce more carbon dioxide, which means they're also more likely to be bitten. 大块头和孕妇会产生更多的二氧化碳,也就意味着他们更可能被蚊子盯上。 2 A higher body temperature could also mean you are more likely to be bitten. 更高的体温意味着你有更高的几率被咬。 Which again, makes people with a larger body mass and pregnant people more susceptible as they generally have a greater body temperature. Everyone is also at greater risk when they're exercising, because this also raises your body temperature. 这世界再一次对大块头和孕妇展现了恶意,因为他们往往有着比别人更高的体温。另外,一般人在运动、锻炼的时候体温升高,被咬的可能也就增大了。 3 Your blood type is also a factor in how likely you are to be bitten. 你的血型也会在你被蚊子咬的可能性上凑个热闹。 This study concluded that people with type O blood are significantly more attractive than people with type A blood to mosquitoes. However, this was a very small study that hasn't been repeated since, so take these results with a pinch of salt. 一项研究表明,O型血的人远比A型血的人对蚊子的诱惑力更大。但是这其实仅仅是一项尚未经过验证的小实验,所以不能尽信,姑且一听就行。 4 The same study also showed that only some people secrete chemicals through their skin that indicate what blood type they have. 同一项研究还表明,只有一部分人的皮肤可以分泌出某种化学物质,这种物质能够标示出他们的血型。 Some people do not secrete those chemicals at all, making them less likely to be bitten, the lucky bastards. 另一些人则无法分泌这些化学物质,这使得他们更不容易受到蚊虫叮咬——这些该死的幸运儿们! 5 The composition of the microbes on your skin is another factor. 你的皮肤表面微生物的构成是另一影响因素。 We all have a unique and beautiful flora of microbes living on our skin. In fact, we have more microbes on our skin than actual skin cells. We're actually just walking masses of germs. Anyway, the unique composition of our microbes affects how much mosquitos want to bite us. 我们每个人的皮肤表面都生活着美丽而独一无二的微生物族群。事实上,我们皮肤上的微生物们甚至比皮肤细胞还多。我们都是行走的细菌群。无论如何,每个人独有的微生物构成对有多少蚊子想要咬我们有着不可忽视的影响。 6 Exercising also makes you more appealing. 运动让你更“迷蚊”。 To other humans, but also to mosquitoes. This is because exercise increases the amount of lactic acid your skin secretes, as well as increasing your overall body temperature. For most mosquitoes, this is the equivalent of wafting delicious baked goods and fresh coffee in front of someone who's just rolled out of bed. 无论是对其他人还是蚊子来说,运动都会以让你变得更有吸引力。这是因为运动会使你的皮肤分泌更多的乳酸,并令你全身体温升高。多数蚊子看到你,就像刚起床的人看到热气腾腾的烤面包配咖啡。 7 Another factor is your clothing color.  另一个因素就是你衣服的颜色。 This one might seem absurd, but mosquitoes use vision (along with scent) to locate humans, so wearing colors that stand out, like black, dark blue or red may make you easier to find and then more likely to be bitten. 这一点看起来很荒谬,但是实际上蚊子是利用视觉(配合嗅觉)来定位人类,所以穿着颜色醒目的衣服,比如黑色、深蓝色或是红色,会使你更容易被蚊子找到,然后,你就会更可能被咬。 8 Lastly, drinking beer may also contribute to your status as mosquito bait. 最后,喝啤酒会更让你成为“蚊虫诱饵”。 This study found that one bottle of beer is enough to make you more attractive to insects in general, although no one conclusively knows why that is. 这项研究发现,一般而言,一杯啤酒就足以提升你对蚊虫的吸引力,虽然没有人知道确凿的原因。 9 Anyway, the most important factor for being bitten is your genes.   不管怎么说,容易被蚊子咬,其实是基因在发挥决定作用。 As a whole, underlying genetic factors are estimated to account for 85 percent of the variability between people in their attractiveness to mosquitoes — regardless of whether it's expressed through blood type, metabolism, or other factors. Unfortunately, scientists don't yet have a way of modifying these genes. 总的来说,在血型、新陈代谢和其它因素上,人们对蚊子的吸引力都有差异,潜在的遗传因素能解释85%的此类情况。不幸的是,科学家尚未找到改变这些基因的方法。 End So, if you don't want to be bitten, avoid drinking beer, going to the gym, and getting pregnant. Also, be sure to change your genetic background! 总而言之,如果你不想被咬,那么就戒掉啤酒、别去健身房、保持未孕状态,并且,务必改变你的基因背景吧! You can also use a repellent if you can't do all of the above. 如果上面这些你都不想做的话,你也可以抹点儿驱蚊水呀。