今日热词:校外线上教育online after-school training

今日热词:校外线上教育online after-school training

2019-07-17    06'18''

主播: 子儿君

148 0

不得超纲教学!校外线上培训将被规范丨 中国日报双语新闻 今日热词 校外线上教育 online after-school training 从2018年2月开始,根据中央部署,教育部联合市场监管等有关部门开展了为期一年半的校外培训机构专项治理行动。 7月15日,教育部等六部门于印发《关于规范校外线上培训的实施意见》(以下简称《实施意见》)。 China will carry out a comprehensive inspection on all online after-school training institutions and set up records on the institutions, their training content and teacher credentials by the end of this year as part of its oversight of the rapidly expanding industry, the Ministry of Education said on Monday. 教育部表示,要对快速发展的校外线上培训进行监管,2019年12月底前完成对全国校外线上培训及机构的全面排查,对培训机构及其培训内容和师资情况进行备案。 《实施意见》要点包括: 培训内容不得超出相应的国家课程标准 Online training providers shall not offer courses beyond the official syllabus for elementary and secondary schools, while the courses shall remain proportionate to students' grades and individual competence, according to the guidelines. 学科类课程培训内容不得超出相应的国家课程标准,须与招生对象所处年级相匹配、与学生个体能力相适应。 To enable verification, the training content and data are asked to be kept for at least one year, while the livestreaming courses should be kept for no less than six months. 培训内容和培训数据信息须留存1年以上,其中直播教学的影像须留存至少6个月。 合理设置课程培训时长 The duration of each online training session shall not exceed 40 minutes and the interval between two sessions should not be less than 10 minutes. 每节课持续时间不得超过40分钟,课程间隔不少于10分钟。 In addition, it requires live broadcast lessons for mainland students in compulsory education to be completed no later than 9 pm. 面向境内义务教育阶段学生的直播类培训活动结束时间不得晚于21:00。 师资合格 Teachers employed by online educational institutions should not be in-service teachers from primary and secondary schools but must hold corresponding teachers' qualifications, according to the guidelines. 不得聘用中小学在职教师,从事学科知识培训的人员应当具有国家规定的相应教师资格。 Foreign teachers recruited by the after-school training institutions should comply with relevant national regulations, it says, adding that institutions must publicize information on their foreign teachers, including names, photos, teaching credentials, learning, work and teaching experience as well as teachers' qualifications. 聘用外籍人员须符合国家有关规定。要在培训平台和课程界面的显著位置公示培训人员姓名、照片和教师资格证等信息,公示外籍培训人员的学习、工作和教学经历。 不得收取超3个月费用 Online training institutions should not charge fees for more than three months or 60 classes ahead of training, and training fees should not be used for other investment, the guideline said. 按课时收费的,每科不得一次性收取超过60课时的费用;按培训周期收费的,不得一次性收取时间跨度超过3个月的费用。收取的培训费用不得用于其他投资。 经排查发现问题的校外线上培训机构应当按整改意见进行整改(rectify their problems),于2020年6月底前完成整改并重新提交相关材料。 省级教育行政部门要联合网信、电信、公安等部门对逾期未完成整改或整改不到位的校外线上培训机构进行查处,视情节暂停或停止培训平台运营(operation suspended or closed)、下架培训应用(apps removed)、关闭微信公众号(小程序)、依法进行经济处罚等。 Notes 学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden 教学大纲 teaching syllabus 超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus 招生对象 enrollment targets 课外活动 extracurricular activities 应试教育 exam-oriented education