

2016-12-13    08'02''

主播: 意趣英语

907 40

面试中如何回答这个问题呢? Tell me about a time when you led a team and you experienced conflict between two members of the team. 请告诉我一次你领导团队并且其中两位成员发生矛盾的经历。 1. 面试官再问我们这个问题的时候主要是想考察两个层面的东西: 一是我们如何处理矛盾; 二是我们如何利用和发挥自己的领导力来处理矛盾。 2. 这个问题还有其他问法: Tell me about a team project when you had to work with someone difficult. 告诉我一个你必须跟难以相处的人做团队项目的经历。 How would you solve a conflict with your team members? 你如何化解组员之间的矛盾? 3. 第一个错误的例子: 如果你说回答: " When I found out that the other person/team member is wrong about something, I always show him the error of his ways and prove that my way is the best way to do things. I mean, there are always conflicts at work, it is not a bad thing, we should welcome conflicts because it makes us to grow and improve our ideas. 当我发现某个人/组员做错的时候,我总是会告诉他做错的地方,然后去证明我的才是最好的。我的意思是,在工作中矛盾是必不可少的,这不是坏事,我们应该感谢矛盾,因为它能让我们成长和进步。" 这个答案的错误之处在于过于激进,一般来说是不受欢迎的。 4. 第二个错误的例子: I deal with conflicts all the time, my key solution is stay calm and try to communicate. 我经常需要要解决矛盾,我的主要解决方式就是保持冷静和去尝试沟通。 这样的说法太抽象。最好是用一个例子来说明你如何处理的,要具体到处理的方式和结果。 5. 正确的例子: 我们可以先简单的陈述一下我们当时的情况。注意要简略,不要像写小说一样把整个事件的小细节都加进去,面试官没时间听。 然后把我们解决这件事情的方式和其带来的结果作为重点陈述出来。 事件概况 I was managing our corporate's English brochure which had to come out before the international trading event, but we were on a very tight timeline. The two designers in my team disagreed on the layout of the contents and style of the brochure, and neither of who was willing to compromise on their ideas. 那时候我负责监管我们公司的英语宣传册,需要在国际贸易活动之前完成。但是我们当时时间很紧,团队中的两位设计师对内容的布局以及小册子的风格有不同意见,并且两个人都不愿意妥协。 我当时采取的措施,第一步 After hearing about this, I asked them to get a coffee together respectively. I asked each of them to walk me through their ideas and how it is in line with our company's mission and value and also the reason they disagree with the other member. 知道这件事情之后,我分别找了两个人喝咖啡谈话。我让他们两个都详细的说了一下他们的想法,以及这些想法是如何跟公司的宗旨和价值观符合的,还有他们不同意对方想法的原因。 我当时采取的措施,第二步 After I received the information, I gathered them together in a meeting, walked them through their ideas, what can be improved in their ideas, and what are the highlights of the other member's idea and how they could combine those highlights to make the best benefits to our company. 收集完信息之后,我叫他们俩再开了个会,仔细讲了一下他俩的想法,有哪些地方可以改进,两人想法中的亮点,以及他们可以如何把双方优秀的观点融合一起,为公司带来最大的收益。 最终结果 After doing this, they found out the other person's idea's highlights and reached an agreement before the deadline. 这些事情完成之后,他们都发现了对方的可取之处,也在截止日期前达成了共识。 这个例子直观清楚, 前面两句话简单的介绍了事件所在的背景以及发生的原因。第二段和第三段主要讲我当时采取的措施,最后一段是我们采取的措施带来的结果。很好的回答了面试官的问题,又不冗长累赘。 *注:本文选自@意趣英语 《面试英语》专题 新浪微博@意趣英语 公众微信YiQuEnglish