

2017-03-01    13'57''

主播: 意趣英语

748 55

美剧《This Is Us》第一季第二集 Kevin: I'm so sorry, this is whole thing, Lanie, is ridiculous. I mean Mr. Manning. I'm truly grateful for everything that your network has done for me, I am. But please let me go with God, sir. The way I handled myself, I mean, that was wrong, I'll be the first one to admit that. That-that was wrong. But can't we all, at this point, just, sort of, you know sort of move on, right? Lanie, 这一切都很扯。我是说,Manning先生,我真的很感激你的电视台为我做的一切,非常感谢。但是请让我听随自己的内心吧。我那天的处理方式是不对的,我第一个承认这个,确实很不对。但是我们现在就不能差不多就可以就此忘记吗? 那么,Kevin的话到底哪里不好呢,他要怎么说才能是自己的话更有说服力,更得体呢? 1. 避免过多的口头语 2. 避免说话时没有逻辑的跳跃 那么,Kevin到底怎么说才最得体呢,我们为Kevin设计了一个回答~ 第一步:表达感激 I'm truly grateful for everything that your network has done for me, I am. 我真的很感激你的电视台为我做的一切,非常感谢。 第二步:解释为什么感激 You gave me a chance when no one else would. This network is where I started my career and I'll never forget that. 你在所有人都拒绝我的时候给了我一个机会,这个电视台是我事业的起点,我永远不会忘记这一点。 第三步:给出离开的原因 It's just now at this point in my life, I feel like I need to pursue something bigger. I'm not getting younger and if I don't do it now, I won't be able to later. 只是,在我现在的人生关头,我需要去寻求更大的突破。我现在年纪也不小了,如果我现在不做这件事,以后就没有机会了。 第四步:为带来的不便道歉,请求理解 I'm really sorry to have to do this to you and I feel horrible. But please let me go sir. 我真的对此事非常抱歉,但是请你让我走吧。 接下来,我们再来看看如果Kevin要正式道歉的话该说些什么吧 第一步:承认错误 The way I handled myself, I mean, that was wrong, I'll be the first one to admit that. 我处理的方式是错误的,我第一个承认这一点。 第二步:解释错在哪里 I brought unwanted attention to the show and embarrassed my cast members and crew. 我给这个节目带来了负面的关注,使所有的演员及制作团队感到尴尬。 第三步:说出你的感受 I feel extremely bad about it. I feel like I let everyone down. 我对此感到十分糟糕,我觉得我让所有人失望了。 第四步:道歉 I'm sorry for everything I did and to the people who were affected by my actions. 我为自己所做的一切向所有被我的行为所影响的人道歉。 第五步:承诺下次会改进 I acted completely unprofessional and I never want to do that again to anyone I work with. 我这一次非常不职业,但我再也不会对犯同样的错误了。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 yiquenglish