

2018-09-15    05'05''

主播: 意趣英语

4864 36

情景对话: My rose is just a common rose? But she told me she was the only one of her kind in the whole universe. 知识点讲解: Only one of one's kind 独一无二 【例句一】 This suitcase is expensive because it's the only one of its kind. It even has a built-in phone charger. 这个旅行箱很贵,因为它是独一无二的,它里面甚至还有一个内置的电话充电器。 【例句二】 Trust me Sharon's the best lawyer I know. She's the only one of her kind that will take this case. 相信我吧,Sharon是我认识的最好的律师。她是能接这个案子的唯一的人。 But she is not a common rose. She is your rose. It is the time that you have devoted to her makes your rose so important. It is the…that… makes… 是…让… 【例句】 It's the lemon that I put in makes this dish extra tasty. 我放了柠檬让这道菜格外好吃。 Oh no, are you going to cry? My taming of you has done you no good at all. Do someone no good at all 对某人完全没有好处 【例句一】 This cream has done my face no good at all. In fact, I think I look older. 这个乳霜擦在我脸上完全没有作用。事实上,我觉得可能是我老了,呵呵。 【例句二】 Your advice has done me no good at all. This is the last time I'm listening to you. 你的意见对我一点帮助都没有。我以后再也不听你的了。 Let me make you a present of a secret. It's very simple. 我跟你说个秘密吧,非常简单。 It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. 你知道这句电影中最经典的话,中文什么意思吗?留言告诉我哟~ wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语