

2017-12-02    03'32''

主播: 健康快乐生活

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大家好!这里是荔枝FM 1667504,我是健康快乐生活! 今天给大家带来一篇美文: 《即便生活琐碎,也要活得优雅》 Who can say that their lives are not insignificant? 谁的生活不琐碎呢? Everyone’s life is composed with one after another insignificant day. 我们的一生,都是由这一个个琐碎的一天构成的。 Some people got their willpower abraded in this endless loop of days. 有的人在这日复一日的循环中被消磨了意志。 They think this is how things can only be like. 认为一切也就这样了。 So they choose to reach a compromise and become mediocre. They become the background colors in others’ eyes. They won’t achieve anything great to be written down in history, nor can they bring any enjoyment to the people around them. 于是他们选择与平庸妥协,成为别人眼中的背景颜色,不仅不会在历史上留下一笔伟绩,甚至无法为身边的人平添一抹色彩。 They are alive, but deep down in their hearts something important has died. 他们活着,但他们心中的一部分已经死了。 And there are another kind of people. They choose to live with dignity. 而另一些人,他们依旧选择有尊严地活着。 A graceful lifestyle is not a show for others to watch. You live it because you deserve it. Through it, you are avoiding to become a victim of this cruel world. 优雅的生活方式并不是为别人做的表演,而是为了对得起自己,让自己不会成为无情社会摧残下的牺牲品。 This kind of people know how to find joy in simple things. They know how to make a common day safisticated and meaningful. 他们懂得如何去发掘单纯事物中的喜悦,懂得如何将平凡的时光过得精致而充实。 Life has denied them some beauty. But they build them with their own hands. 那份生活中缺失的美丽,他们靠自己的双手创造了出来。 So which kind of these two are you? And which kind are you willing to be? 你的人生是哪种?你想过哪一种? Have you find the answer? 你找到答案了吗? 冬季衣物特惠价:毛领呢子58元,女式毛领带帽羽绒棉服69--200元,男式《战狼》款毛领带帽羽绒服199元! http://wd.koudai.com/s/210668158 附加:小长假,去旅行(一) 杭州:最幸福的中国城市 Hangzhou, which dates back more than 2,000 years, has a peace that the other big cities like Shanghai can't offer. The former Song Dynasty capital, and now the capital of China's Zhejiang Province, has long been known for its beautiful scenery, its fine silk and as the birthplace of Longjing tea. 拥有2,000多年历史的杭州,有一种上海等大城市所不具备的安宁。杭州以前是宋朝都城,现为中国浙江省省会,以秀丽风光、精美的丝绸以及龙井茶闻名。 威尼斯:浪漫水都 What images come to mind when you think of a trip to Venice? No doubt you imagine yourself taking a romantic gondola ride along narrow canals and under delicate bridges. Perhaps you picture the beautiful old buildings and famous works of art that have made the city one of Europe's leading tourist spots. 想到威尼斯一游,你的脑海中会浮现出什么画面?毫无疑问你一定会想象自己乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿着窄窄的运河航行,从一座座别致的桥下穿梭而过。也许你还会在脑海中勾勒出那些让威尼斯成为欧洲一流旅游胜地的美丽古老建筑和艺术名作。 小长假,去旅行(二) 香格里拉:梦中的伊甸园 Shangri-la means "ideal heaven" in Tibetan: the azure sky, the breathtaking beauty and the hospitality of unsophisticated people who welcome weary travelers to their homeland. 香格里拉在藏语中的意思是“理想的天堂”:湛蓝如洗的天空、令人窒息的美丽、和那里总是张开臂膀迎接客人的淳朴的人们。 挪威:人与自然 In the unconscious of a traveler, Norway evokes a concept of an extreme land, of absolute north. The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that straddles the Norwegian borders to include the northern part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia. The native population is the "Sami" who live traditionally from hunting and fishing, in symbiosis, even if nowadays in a technological version, with their environment. 提起挪威,让人想起的是地球北端的一片极地风光。欧洲的最北端叫做拉普兰,它位于挪威北部边界,包括斯堪的纳维亚半岛的北部和俄罗斯的一小部分。当地人被称作萨米人,自古以渔猎为生。甚至在今天,他们仍然过着与自然共生共存的生活。 小长假,去旅行(三) 北京:故宫,你不能错过的历史 The Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) in Beijing, which was the imperial palace in the Ming and Qing dynasties, is the best-preserved imperial palace in China and the largest ancient palatial structure in the world. In 1987, it was listed as the world cultural heritage by UNESCO. 北京故宫,又称为紫禁城,原为明清两代的皇宫,是我国保存最完整的,也是世界上现存规模最大的古代皇宫建筑群,1987年被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。 法国:法兰西之恋 Landing in France,a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country. The capital and largest city in France is Paris, which attracts many visitors every year. Marseilles is a chief port and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles. Bordeaux, is a seaport and most famous for its wine. 踏进法国的领土,一种神圣的感觉会油然而生。这种感觉会吸引着你更多的去了解这个国度。首都巴黎是最大的城市,每年吸引了无数的游客。马赛是最大的港口,而里昂则以纺织工业著称于世。波尔多是海港城市,它盛产的葡萄酒则更是名扬天下。