感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~Two teenage girls and a man were shot and killed, and a woman was wounded on Friday during a domestic dispute in northeast Illinois. 周五,在伊利诺斯东北部的一场家庭纠纷中,两名少女和一名男子被枪杀,一名妇女受伤。 Police went to an apartment in St. Charles, Illinois, after receiving several calls from witnesses who heard shots. 在接到听到枪声的目击者打来的几个电话后,警方赶到了伊利诺斯圣查尔斯的一间公寓。 Police did not provide further details on the shooting. 警方没有提供进一步的枪杀细节。 They also did not identify the four people involved. St. Charles is a community of 33 thousand about 35 miles west of Chicago. 他们也没有确认涉及的四个人。圣查尔斯位于芝加哥以西约35英里,是一个拥有3万3千名居民的社区。 It had no homicides from 2012 to 2015, according to the city's police department. 据该市的警察部门报告,从2012年到2015年没有出现过杀人事件。
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