感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~Authorities say five children died in a house fire in western South Dakota. 当局称五名儿童死于南达科他州西部的一场火灾中。 The fire was reported at 4:23 a.m. Saturday at a two-story residence in Spearfish, a town of about 11,000 people. 据报道,大火发生周六早上4:23,位于斯皮尔菲什一栋两层住宅,该镇约有11,000人。 Spearfish police and fire officials say the victims were believed to be between the ages of 6 and 9 years old. 斯皮尔菲什警察和消防官员称,遇难者的年龄在6岁和9岁之间。 Officials aren’t ruling out that there could be more fatalities, but believe they have accounted for everyone. 官员们没有排除可能会有更多的死亡,但相信他们已经尽力了。 There was possibly a sleepover or party happening at the time of the fire. 火灾发生的时候可能正在进行派对或聚会。 some adults tried to rescue the children and were taken to Spearfish Regional Hospital for treatment of smoke inhalation. 一些成年人试图营救孩子,他们因烟尘吸入被送往斯皮尔菲什区医院接受治疗。 Their conditions were not known. 他们的情况不知道。 Officials say the house was engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived. A cause has not been determined. 官员表示,当消防队员到达时,房子被大火吞没。原因尚未确定。 The investigation is ongoing. 调查正在进行中。
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