On this Sunday night 本周日晚   DAMAGE CONTROL--- 危害控制—— The White House intensifies its to combat revelations about the Russia investigation. 白宫加强了对俄罗斯所谓的调查真相的谴责。 As the president says many White House leaks are fabricated lies. 正如总统所说,许多所谓的白宫泄密信息,是捏造出来的谎言。 Made up by what he calls The Fake News Media. 他强调这是由“假新闻媒体”编造出来的。   DEADLY RAMPAGE--- 致命的狂暴行为 A man is in custody tonight after 8 people are killed in a small town in MISSISSIPPI. 一名男子在密西西比州的一个小镇杀害8人后,于今晚被关押。 The suspect called on camera talking about the shooting 嫌疑犯在摄像机前大谈枪击案   NEIGHBOURHOOD RECRUITS--- 社区招募—— How the police in one city reach out to the community, to build the ranks and build trust 一个城市的警察如何与社区中的人们接触,建立队伍,建立信任   NO MORE PAIN--- 无痛苦 The remarkable treatment discovered by accident that tricks the brain with no drugs involved 意外发现的显著治疗方法,该方法采用无药物添加的方式来欺骗大脑。   AND BROTHERS IN ARMS--- 战火兄弟连: Our salute in this memorial day weekend, to a memorable American family. All three brothers graduating from West Point.Now serving their country. 在这个纪念日周末, 我们向一个值得纪念的美国家庭致敬。这个家庭中的三个兄弟均毕业于西点军校。他们目前正服务于自己的国家。
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