

2017-02-10    07'49''

主播: Alice小巍

407 4

欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语 今天Alice推荐给大家一首Reality现实。这首歌是听友儒音推荐的。是Lost Frequencies的电音作品,由Janieck Devy演唱。这首稍有些迷幻色彩的歌曲,Alice刚开始听的时候就有相见恨晚的感觉,希望你也同样喜欢这首洒脱清新的歌曲。 Reality Lost Frequencies Janieck Devy Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 我决意离去,无论游向何方 Sometimes I believe,a time where I should know 我偶尔相信,我总有一天会知道该往何处 I can't fly high,I can't go alone 我无法翱翔天际,也无法独自远去 Today I got million,tomorrow I don't know 今天的我拥有一切,明日的我却不知何去何从 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 我决意离去,无论游向何方 Sometimes I believe,a time where I should know 我偶尔相信,我总有一天会知道该往何处 I can't fly high,I can't go alone 我无法翱翔天际,也无法独自远去 Today I got million,tomorrow I don't know 今天的我拥有一切,明日的我却不知何去何从 Stop crying like you're home,and think about the show 不要再茫然无依地哭泣,想想眼前的一切 We're playing the same game,I'm laying down alone 我们都面对相同局面,但我选择独自离去 We're unknown and wrong,special when I come 我们生而有罪,生而无知 Hate will make you cautious,love will make you grow 恨让人谨慎,爱却促人成长 Make me feel the warm,make me feel the cold 爱让我如沐春风,却也让我如坠冰窟 It's written in the story,it's written on the wall 爱存于我们的故事里,刻在我们的心墙上 This is our call,we rise and we fall 这是我们的呐喊,我们的人生起起又落落 Dancing in the moonlight,don't we have it all 起舞在月光下,难道我们不是已经拥有了一切吗? Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 我决意离去,无论游向何方 Sometimes I believe,a time where we should know 我偶尔相信,我总有一天会知道该往何处 I can't fly high,I can't go along 我无法翱翔天际,也无法独自远去 Today I got million,tomorrow I don't know 今天的我拥有一切,明日的我却不知该何去何从 Make me feel the warm,make me feel the cold 爱让我如沐春风,却也让我如坠冰窟 It's written in the story,it's written on the wall 爱存于我们的故事里,刻在我们的心墙上 This is our call,we rise and we fall 这是我们的呐喊,我们的人生起起又落落 Dancing in the moonlight,don't we have it all 起舞在月光下,难道我们不是已经拥有了一切吗? 和Alice一起学歌词: 1.flow[floʊ] (v.)流动、涨潮 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 我决意离去,无论游向何方 2.a time在某时; 在一个时间 Sometimes I believe,a time where I should know 我偶尔相信,我总有一天会知道该往何处 3.alone[əˈloʊn](adv.)单独地; 独自地 I can't fly high,I can't go alone 我无法翱翔天际,也无法独自远去 Today I got million,tomorrow I don't know 今天的我拥有一切,明日的我却不知该何去何从 4.lay down放下、卸下、离去 We're playing the same game,I'm laying down alone 我们都面对相同局面,但我选择独自离去 5.cautious[ˈkɔʃəs] (adj.)小心的,谨慎的 Hate will make you cautious,love will make you grow 恨让人谨慎,爱却促人成长 6.call[kɔl] (n.)喊叫、呼唤 This is our call,we rise and we fall 这是我们的呐喊,我们的人生起起又落落 Dancing in the moonlight,don't we have it all? 起舞在月光下,难道我们不是已经拥有了一切吗?