安娜卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina 11

安娜卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina 11

2021-06-29    09'28''

主播: iGlobalist

60 1

CHAPTER XI Levin drained(喝完) his glass, and they were silent. " I ought to tell you one thing, though. Do you know Vronsky ?" asked Stepan Arkadyevitch. " No, I don't know him ; why do you ask? " " Bring us another bottle," said Oblonsky to the Tatar, who was refilling their glasses and was hovering about them, especially when he was not needed. " You must know that Vronsky is one of your rivals." " Who is this Vronsky? " asked Levin, and his face, a moment since beaming with the youthful enthusiasm which Oblonsky so much admired, suddenly took on a disagreeable expression of anger. " Vronsky — he is one of Count Kirill Ivanovitch Vronsky's sons, and one of the finest examples of the gilded(上层阶级的) youth of Petersburg. I used to know him at Tver when I was on duty there ; he came there for re- cruiting service. He is immensely rich, handsome, with excellent connections, one of the emperor's aides, and, moreover, a capital good fellow. From what I have seen of him, he is more than a ' good fellow ' ; he is well educated and bright, he is a rising man." Levin scowled(皱眉), and said nothing. " Well, then ! he put in an appearance soon after you left ; and, as I understand, he fell over ears in love with Kitty. You understand that her mother.... " " Excuse me, but I don't understand at all," interrupted Levin, scowling still more fiercely. And suddenly he remembered his brother Nikolai', and how ugly it was in him to forget him. "Just wait, wait," said Stepan Arkadyevitch, laying his hand on Levin's arm with a smile. " I have told you all that I know ; but I repeat, that, in my humble opinion, the chances in this delicate affair are on your side." Levin leaned back in his chair ; his face was pale. " But I advise you to settle the matter as quickly as possible," suggested Oblonsky, filling up his glass. " No, thank you : I cannot drink any more," said Levin, pushing away the glass. " I shall be tipsy(略有醉意) Well, how are you feeling?" he added, desiring to change the conversation. " One word more : in any case I advise you to settle the question quickly. I advise you to speak immediately," said Stepan Arkadyevitch. " Go to-morrow morning, make your proposal in classic style, and God bless you." " Why have n't you ever come to hunt with me as you promised to do ? Come this spring," said Levin. He now repented with all his heart that he had en- tered upon this conversation with Stepan Arkadyevitch : his deepest feelings were wounded by what he had just learned of the pretensions of his rival, the young officer from Petersburg, as well as by the advice and insinuations of Stepan Arkadyevitch. Stepan Arkadyevitch smiled. He perceived what was taking place in Levin's heart, "I will come some day," he said, "Yes, brother, woman's the spring that moves everything. My own trouble is bad, very bad. And all on account of women. Give me your advice," said he, taking a cigar, and still holding his glass in his hand. " Tell me frankly what you think." "But what about?" " Listen : suppose you were married, that you loved your wife, but had been drawn away by another woman .... " " Excuse me. I really can't imagine any such thing. As it looks to me, it would be as if in coming out from dinner, I should steal a loaf of bread from a bakery."