Book of The Dead
(narrated by Tom Hiddleston for the British Museum)
To the ancient Egyptions death marked the end of one journey and the beginning of another. After death all ancitent Egyptions belived that they must leaved behind the green fertile farmlands of Egypt and the waters of the river Nile to travel to the afterlife. They hoped that the afterlife would be a perfect place resemble the beautiful landscape of the Egypt they have left behind. It was called the field of Reeds. But to reach the afterlife they have to make a dangerours and frightening journey. Their spirit had to cross the netherworld which was the land of dead ruled by the god of Osiris.
Hail to you Osiris: Turn your face to the west.That you may illumine the two lands with fine gold. Those who were asleep stand up to look at you;... for to you belong eternity and everlasting.
The ancient Egyptions belived that it was very important to prepare for this journey. How would they ward off hostile spirits and poisonous snakes. How they avoid burning fire and scalding water. And why did the monstrous devourer always look so hungry.
When wealthy ancient Egyptions died, their bodies were mummified. The mummy was placed in the tomb with speical objects to protect it and to help the dead face perils of the netherworld.
One of the objects was roll of magic spells and pictures, this is now known as the Book of the Dead. The mummy stayed in the tomb but its ba spirit in the shape of bird could fly away form the tomb to explore the netherworld and try to find a way through. In order to do this, the spirit of the dead person would have to pass through gates guarden by the gods and avoid being caught in their nets. They have to battle with snakes and crocodiles and protect themselves against the bloody-thristy monsters. The dead person used magic and spells from the book of the dead to help them overcome these obstacles.
O you with the spine would work your mouth against this magic of mine. No crocodile which lives by magic shall take it away.
At the end of each day, the ba spirit returned to the mummy in the tomb. The final and the most important stage in the journey of the dead was the trial in the hall of judgement. The dead person's heart was weighted against the feather of truth. If their heart proved too heavy it would be condemned and eaten by the monstrous Devourer. If their heart balanced on the scales, the dead person will be allowed to enter and remain forever in a perfect world. Travelling accross the skis with the sun god Ra or tending their crops in a perfect landscape that resembled the fertile green banks of that beloved river Nile.
當每天的結束之時,拔會回到木乃伊上。在死亡旅程中最後也是最重要的階段,是通過地獄審判的試煉。死者的心臟會被拿來與正義的羽毛(放在天枰上)相比重。如果心臟比羽毛重, 那死者就會被判罪,心臟馬上被怪獸吃掉。如果天枰是平衡的,那麼死者就能獲得進入並永遠留在完美世界的許可。在那個世界,他們可以徜徉在太陽神"拉"所統治的天空,或是在他 們所愛的肥沃尼羅河畔種植作物。
Are you prepare to make the same journey? Can you discover how to use the spells of the Book of the Dead to help you on your way. It's time now to go to the exhibition and meet the god Osiris and the monstrous Devourer.