4.Eating is definitely one of the highlights of being a freshman at Harvard. It’s not so much the food that makes the meal — the cuisine is tasty, but it’s where we eat that’s truly remarkable. Our dining hall is more like a church or a museum than a cafeteria. The tables, chairs, floors, walls, and lofty ceilings are all made of gorgeous, dark wood that is so impeccably polished that it shines. Moreover, the hall is hung with chandeliers, has vibrantly colored ed glass windows and is filled with statues and portraits of famous figures from Harvard’s past.
*1. definitely 肯定
*2. highlights最关注的事情
*3. It’s not。。。that…but …不是。。。而是。。。
*4. tasty
*5. truly remarkable 真的很好
6. church. 教堂
7.museum 博物馆8. cafeteria. 餐厅9. shine 发亮10. polish 上光,打亮11. is hung with悬挂着*
*12. stain
vi. 弄脏; 污染; 被玷污;
vt. 玷污,染污; 败坏(名声); 给…染色;
n. 污点; 色斑; 瑕疵; 着色剂;
翻译:蕃茄醬一沾上就很麻煩(stains terribly )——很難把它從衣服上洗掉。(get it out of...)
13. colored stained glass windows 彩色玻璃窗14. statues and portraits 雕塑和画像