英语八级真题作文2014 Working from home有文本

英语八级真题作文2014 Working from home有文本

2016-09-21    05'35''

主播: 庆师大学英语

99 0

With all its benefits to communities and employees as well as employers, telecommuting hascome to be viewed as more a complement rather than a substitute for work in the workplace.Thanks to computer technology, more and more workers can be allowed to do their jobs fromhome for part of each week, but this growing trend should be examined in both social andindividual contexts. It is safe to say that the WFH (working-from-home) system has somethingto gain and something to lose. On the positive side, telework is used not only to achieve reduction in environmental impactson communities but also help employees enhance the work-family balance. For a societyseriously troubled with air pollution and transport problems, WFH could be partly thesolution. This advantage is particularly true during the rush hours because the more there istraffic congestion; the more there are emissions of gas from motorized vehicles. Apart fromthat, the telecommuting staff can also save significant amounts of travel time and transit costsby being allowed to work in the comforts of home, using personal computers, iPads and smart-phones. At home, employees are free to do as they please, like being in shorts and T-shirts andenjoying music, without any supervisor looking over their shoulders. Needless to say, WFHworkers, especially women, can as well care for their children or even their pets at the sametime, and who knows? On the negative side, among other drawbacks to telecommuting is that it is hard for workersto separate the private life from the business life. This is undesirable because they may notrespect the necessary boundaries between work and family, which is likely to affectorganizational efficiency to a certain degree. As can be imagined, when employees do nothave to be at the office by 9 a.m., it takes a phenomenal quantity of self-discipline to startthe day's work without the need of leaving home. Moreover, by not commuting to the centralworkplace, employees stand good chances of becoming socially anonymous. To decrease whatis known as"carbon footprint" (pollution), co-workers and bosses are beginning to have fewerand fewer face-to-face social contacts, only to find themselves socially "isolated". Theseexamples may explain why the majority of companies still do not particularly favor WFH simplyfor the sake of saving office operation expenses. Weighing its pros and cons, WFH is a trend that has grown and one which looks like it willcontinue, for sure. Using telecommunication technology over long distances, telework is areflection of the reality that is re-defining the workplace in communities and changing the wayoffice employees manage their work and family obligations. However, it is hardly possible thatthis work arrangement would become the mainstream anytime soon, considering what is "outof sight" is often "out of mind".