体验英语1 Unit2 PassageB-4 有双语文本

体验英语1 Unit2 PassageB-4 有双语文本

2016-09-30    00'46''

主播: 庆师大学英语

43 1

4.We dared to dream as children and then meet up with real life as adults and relinquish our visions as unreal possibilities. It is a shame we often cease living, learning and achieving and meet a premature demise. We become comfortable in less and determine the work to become more is not worth the effort. The possibility of attaining greatness becomes an unattainable desire of our own decision. We give up on ourselves and our dreams and possibilities. Oh, what greatness goes undiscovered, what possibilities lay covered with fear and lack of ambition. 孩提时代,我们敢于梦想;及至成人,面对现实生活我们放弃了愿景,把它视为虚幻的可能。我们不再生活,不再学习,不再进取,过早迎来人生的夭亡,令人羞愧。我们满足于只去少取,而将争取更多的努力视为不值一为。获取伟大目标的可能于是化为自我抉择的无法成就之欲念。我们自暴自弃,将梦想和可能皆予丢弃。哦,因为恐惧和缺乏雄心,多少伟业目标未曾发现,多少可能机遇憾遭埋没。 *1. dared to [deə(r)]敢于 敢; 敢做; 激(某人做某事); 问(某人)有没有胆量(做某事); vi. 敢; 敢于; 大胆; 无畏于 Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago he hasn't dared to get back into one 自从一年前被困在电梯里之后,他就再也没敢乘过电梯 *2. adult [‘ædʌlt]成年的,成熟的 n 成年人或动物 *3. vision [‘vɪʒn]愿意,远见n.视力,视觉; 美景,绝妙的东西; 幻影; 想像力 *4. unreal possibility虚幻的可能 *5. It is a shame that…很可惜 6. cease 英[si:s]停止 cease fire 停火 *7.achieve[əˈtʃi:v] vi,vt实现; 取得; 获得; 成功; There are many who will work hard to achieve these goals 有志之士将会共同为实现这些目标而努力 8. premature [‘premətʃə(r)]adj过早的; 早产的; 提前的; 草率的;n 早产儿 Mature【mətʃə(r)]adj成熟的 9.demise[dɪ‘maɪz] 死亡; 让位; (不动产的) 转让 moking, rather than genetics, was the cause of his early demise. 导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传 *10. comfortable英[‘kʌmftəbl] adj舒适的; 安逸的,处于轻松的; 充裕的; comfort n 舒适,v 使舒适 Trainers are so comfortable to wear. 便鞋穿着特别舒服。 *11. determine[dɪ’tɜ:mɪn] vi,vt(使) 下决心,(使)做出决定 *12. is not worth the effort 不值一为 *13. attain[ə’teɪn] vi,vt达到,获得; 遂愿; 经过努力到达某事物; Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot's licence. 吉姆就快要拿到飞行员执照了。 14. unattainable 无法达到的 He always has unattainable goals in his mind. 他的脑子里总是想一些高不可攀的目标。 *15. desire {dɪ’zaɪə(r)] v,n 渴望,希望,要求,请求 16. undiscovered 未发现的 discover v 发现 *17. lay[lei] vi 放置; 铺放; 涂,敷; 产卵; adj世俗的; 外行的; 没有经验的; *18. lack英[læk] vi缺乏,不足,没有; 缺少的东西 n缺乏,缺少; 需要的东西