The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish

2017-06-04    02'27''

主播: EnglishBar

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THE RAINBOW FISH 《彩虹鱼》系列图书是瑞士著名画家马克斯·菲斯特创作的享誉世界的图画书经典,曾获1993年意大利博洛尼亚国际儿童书展最佳童书奖、1993年英国凯特.格林纳威奖、1993年法国图书馆最佳图书奖、1995年美国ABBY奖等多项殊荣。该书被译成36种语言,销售1300多万册,首次在内文中使用激光烫银工艺,赋予彩虹鱼不可抗拒的神奇魅力,以其独特的风格和卓越的品质受到了无数家长和孩子的喜爱。《THE RAINBOW FISH 彩虹鱼》入选了美国全国教育协会推荐的100本最佳童书,自出版以来受到各国孩子的喜欢。海洋深处有一只极其美丽的彩虹鱼,它闪闪发光的鳞片让所有鱼儿都羡慕,却始终没有一个朋友。彩虹鱼感到非常苦恼,便去找睿智的章鱼请教,它会得到什么答案呢? The rainbow fish was the most beautiful fish in the sea. 彩虹鱼是大海里最美丽的鱼儿。 But he never played with the other fish. I’m too beautiful, he thought. 但是他从来不和其它鱼儿玩。我太美丽了,他暗想。 Once, a little blue fish asked for one of his shining scales, but the Rainbow fish just laughed. “Never!” he said. 有一次,一只蓝色的小鱼向他要一片闪闪发光的鳞片,但是彩虹鱼却嘲笑道,“绝对不可能!” After that, the other fish swam away from him. The Rainbow Fish was all alone. 从此以后,其它鱼儿都离他远远的。彩虹鱼一直形单影只。 He went to the starfish for help. “Why doesn’t anybody like me?” he asked. 他去找海星想办法。“为什么没有人喜欢我?”他问道。 “Go ask the Octopus,” said the starfish. “She is very wise”. “去问章鱼吧,”海星说, “她非常睿智。” The octopus said, “Give away your shining scales. You won’t be as beautiful, but you will have friends.” 章鱼说,“把你闪闪发光的鱼鳞都送出去。你不会向像这样美丽了,但是你会有朋友。” “I can’t do that!” cried the Rainbow Fish. “我不能这样做!”彩虹鱼大叫道。 Suddenly, the little blue fish was back. “Please,” he said. “Could I have just one scale?” 突然,那只蓝色小鱼回来了。“求你了,”他说。“我只想要一片鱼鳞,你能给我吗?” Well, the Rainbow Fish thought. Maybe just one tiny little scale. The little blue fish was so pleased, it made the Rainbow Fish feel happy. 好吧,彩虹鱼想了想,也许不过是一小片鱼鳞而已。(拿到了鱼鳞后)蓝色小鱼非常高兴,这让彩虹鱼也很开心。 Soon all the fish came, and the Rainbow Fish gave away his scales, one by one. Finally he had only one shinning scale left. But now, as he swam off to play with his friends, he was the happiest fish in the sea. 很快所有的鱼都来了,而彩虹鱼把他所有的鳞片都分了出去,一片接一片地。但是现在,他和朋友们一起玩耍,是海洋里最快乐的鱼了。