睡眠有助记忆 @ 科学美国人60秒3

睡眠有助记忆 @ 科学美国人60秒3

2017-11-12    01'26''

主播: 译嘉

39 2

Want to remember something? Sleep on it. A recent study finds that the more we value a piece of information the more likely we&`&ll __1__ it during our sleep. And because we do that, we&`&ll tend to remember it. Participants were shown objects with different __2__ dollar amounts on a computer screen. If participants could remember that object later on a test, they were rewarded with the associated dollar amount. Objects were also accompanied by an associated sound, for instance a cat was accompanied by a “meow.” After either a 90-minute nap or wake __3__ subjects&`& memory for low-value objects was worse than for high-value objects. In a second experiment associated sounds were played either when the subjects were awake or asleep, as a way to __4__ the memory of the object. Researchers found that low-value objects were better remembered when the associated sound was played during subjects&`& sleep as __5__ to when they were awake. The authors believe that __6__ sleep is when we tend to go over the day&`&s new information, so that is why they could manipulate the memory __7__ of lower-value objects during sleep time rather than wake time. Gives new meaning to the __8__ sound asleep. 译文: 想记住某些事情吗?睡一觉再想吧。 一项最近的研究发现,人们越重视某条信息,就越有可能在睡觉时回顾这条信息。因为如此,所以我们往往会有它的记忆。 研究人员通过电脑屏幕向参与者展示金额不等的相应物体。如果参与者能够在稍后的测试中记住物体,那么就能获得相关金额的奖励。这些物体出现时也会伴有相关的声音,例如一只猫会伴有一声猫叫。 不论是小睡90分钟或者醒着,受试者对低jia值物品的记忆要差于对高价值物品的记忆。 在二次实验中,为了触发对物体的记忆,研究人员在受试者睡着或清醒时播放相关的声音。 研究人员发现当受试者睡着时播放相关声音,他们对于低jia值物品的记忆要好一些。 研究人员认为正是在睡觉时间人们往往会回顾当天接收的新信息,这就是为什么人们能够在睡觉时更好地掌控对低 jia值物品的记忆存储。 这又赋予“熟睡”一词新的含义。 更多听力学习资料请在我们的QQ群中寻找,进入方式如下: 斯眉英语翻译协作群:14225774 入群验证留言:脚踏东西文化 答案:1.review 2.corresponding 3.period 4.trigger 5.opposed 6.during 7.storage 8.term