【E32】level4 -21 Family cookbook

【E32】level4 -21 Family cookbook

2017-06-12    21'44''

主播: 启哲英语

56 3

You should say: This was the first time I had a face to face English lesson with my teacher. After that I went back. Don't say: I went to back. We should not use the word 'to' here. We had to set up an exhibition (布展) at our university. I went TO THE bank. What card did you lose? Your bank card? Or your university card? I wrote emails. (Plural) I wrote an email. (Singular) I just ran, jogged and did some yoga. Or I just did some running, jogging and yoga. My yoga photos are not very attractive I often help my child with homework. Lift weights 举重 This is a photo of an indian yogi Photo is not a verb Photograph can be a verb. For example: You can photograph yourself doing yoga and send it to us. Or You can take a photo of yourself doing yoga and send it to us. Yogi 瑜伽修行者 In the past, yogis were spiritual people in India. They always tried to care care of their mind and body. They would meditate and do yoga. They were usually men. Meditate 冥想 I like running. Run - verb Running - 动名词 (can be used as a noun and a verb) Yoga pose 瑜伽动作 Almost 几乎 Most 大部分 Elvis Presley 埃维斯·普里斯利 Recipe 食谱 Peanut butter 花生酱 A recipe shows you how to cook something. A cookbook has many recipes in it. Cookbook - a book of recipes. We also sometimes say 'Recipe book' This recipe does not sound very healthy. Maybe this is why Elvis became very fat later in his life Slice 薄片 This is a piece of bread This is a slice of bread Here, spread means 涂 We spread peanut butter on bread. This is a picture of how to spread peanut butter on bread. Melt 变软 (this is a verb) Melted - adjective After we melt something, it becomes melted. For example: I drank the melted ice cream like a drink. Tablespoon 大汤匙 The big spoon is a tablespoon The small spoon is a teaspoon. mash 把…捣烂 (verb) Mashed - adjective If we mash something, it becomes mashed. For example: Mashed potatoes 土豆泥 Mashed 发音是 Masht Mashed potatoes Here, the potatoes have been made soft by 'mashing' them. I'm getting hungry just looking at all these photos Do all of you understand the meanings of these words now? Potatoes 土豆 Tomatoes 西红柿 Have a good night everyone! Please review the lesson again later! We looked at many many new and interesting words and grammar! All of its important! See you tomorrow night! And keep up the good work!