long distance = 长途
long distance travel
Plane / Airplane 飞机
Boat 船
Bus 大巴
Train 火车
High-speed train 高铁
What is your favourite way to travel? Why?
I like to travel by train because I can look at the scenery.
Fast / quick 快
High speed 高速
Vacation Activities
Vacation 假期
Activities 活动
take an exciting trip 做一个激动人心的旅游
rather 宁愿
visit a foreign country 去外国旅游
travel through my own country 在国内旅游
Would you rather visit a foreign country, or travel through your own country?
I would rather......
I like both / Both are ok
I would rather travel to a foreign country, I think it's more interesting.
enjoy nature
enjoy 欣赏
nature 大自然
go camping, hiking, or fishing
relax at the beach
Would you rather go camping, hiking or fishing, or relax at the beach?
The beach is very comfortable
I would rather go fishing