We're going to start with "Adverbs of Quantity"
But today we're going to learn give more information about count and non-count nouns, with "Adverbs of quantity"
There should be fewer cars/There should be less pollution
also count/non-count difference
So let's look at the questions below!
There are .................... police officers.
What "adverbs of quantity" can we put into this sentence.
Based on today's adverbs of quantity ... which other answers are possible?
1. There are too many police officers
2. There aren't enough police officers
3. There are enough police officers (this sentence is 1/2 right)
Number 3 should be: There are enough police officers to keep us safe.
or "There are enough police officers for a city of this size."
Let's try number 2....
2. There should be ....... cars in the city.
Does anyone think there should be more cars in the city?
3. There is .......... public transportation
There is too much public transportation
There isn't enough public transportation
So far only 1 right answer...
"The government needs to build more highways."
The other answer I'm looking for here is: The government needs to build fewer highways.
Wherever we can use "more" we can also "fewer" or "less"
That's kind of like the sentence that @ice made ...
It's Okay, but generally we would add on to that sentence (like I said above)
5. There should be ............. noise.
There should be more noise.
No one thinks that!
No one wants there to be too much noise!
No one wants there to be more noise!
You COULD say this:
"There shouldn't be too much noise."
In this sentence, the negative go onto "should"...
This sentence we don't use as often as "There should be less noise"
But in some situations, maybe we will use it
6 . We should have ........ public parking garages
So.... "too many" is not correct..
too many always means "太多了”..
Again, more and fewer
Probably no one agress with: "We should have fewer parking garages."
Number 7!
7. There is ..... air pollution in the city.
Generally ... we'd say "too much"
or else "a lot"
But today we're not studying "too much"
Is air pollution countable or not?
Then we're probably going to make a comparison ... "There's less air polllution in the city than in the countryside."
This one is a bit tricky ..
should be less ... less than
should be more .... more than
There should be less air pollution in the city.
There should be less air pollution in the city.
Everyone else is correct already!
This is just for Kelly's answer
So number 7 is: "There is too much air pollution in the city."
8. There are .... cars parked on the streets.
There are too many cars parked on the street.
There aren't enough cars parked on the street.
I don't know when we want more cars parked on the street..
But it's possible!
I have some extra homework to give you on this topic
So be careful to get the right 可数 and 不可数!
Traffic is 不可数的
Traffic jam 是可数的
There should be fewer electric bicycles on the street.
We don't have enough bus stops!
There should be less noise pollution.
We all need more money!
There isn't enough money!!
There should be less air pollution
Homework is ...
Practice making sentences in Section 3-B
Can you open those websites?
There are some questions you can practice ..
With countable and non-countable adverbs of quantity
Here is another one
The final one, only do question 1-10
第三个链接 Question 1-10 is good, after that it's very difficult.
Tomorrow we will discuss Section 5 and 7....
Then do the conversation #8
You don't have to do all the homework!
I just gave you 3 pages of questions, just do them if you want..
Sleep well, and study hard!
I'll see you all tomorrow!