【E33】level4 -40  Passive

【E33】level4 -40 Passive

2017-09-12    11'17''

主播: 启哲英语

17 0

This is the other very popular type of passive sentence. The euro is USED in most of the EU Ohhh yes, I see what you mean. Actually "by" is not that important... because "by" can be used in the present tense as well. The difference is just the decision to use the present tense and the past tense. "The new bridge is being built by ABC Inc." "The new bridge was built by ABC Inc." The sentences in Section 3 focus on creative works In English the verb "to be" has many uses ... so the sentences in Sectin 9 can be used for many things My first example is another type of grammar actually. passive continuous In that situation, you do need "is being built" Let's learn these simple ones in Section 9 first Let's try this .. I'll give you an active sentence, you try to make me a passive sentence Many countries throughout the world speak French. French is SPOKEN in many European countries Shall we try another one? How about this! The next one, I'll give you a passive sentence... You make an active one Sentence: The novel was read by my Mom in one day Tom painted the entire house (active) (this one is past tense) A wide variety of seafood is caught consumed, exported, cultivated consumed means 消费,消耗 export is 出口 cultivated I don't really know in Chinese ... maybe 耕? Use the passive of each of the verbs to complete the sentence. So many different types of passive tense.. Let's try a bit more practice, but this time in Section 11