【E36】-24  Dialogue

【E36】-24 Dialogue

2017-12-26    22'30''

主播: 启哲英语

31 1

Belgium 比利时 I'm going to attend a design workshop (设计工作坊) in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) I ask for your help about LEARNING English. about DOING something. We cannot say 'about DO something' STATE TROOPER: Good morning, sir. I pulled you over because the speed limit is 50 miles per hour. You were driving much faster than that. You were doing 70. ALAN: I’m sorry, Officer. I didn’t notice the sign, but I thought I was driving slower than that. STATE TROOPER: I need to see your license and registration. ALAN: I don’t have my license with me. I think I left it home. STATE TROOPER: You need to have license and registration with you in the car at all times, sir. I am going to issue you a ticket for speeding and another one for not having the proper documents. You can call the clerk’s office to find out the amount of the fines. ALAN: Can I just pay you now? STATE TROOPER: Sir, police officers aren’t allowed to take money. You have to call the clerk’s office. You can go there to pay in person, or you can mail it in. ALAN: This is my first speeding ticket. STATE TROOPER: Have a nice day, sir. Pulled Speed limit Miles Notice Times Documents Clerk's Office Fines Pay Police Allowed
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