

2020-01-03    05'06''

主播: 山雨舒屋

96 1

同题诗《刀剑》 背景音乐:David Darling - Minor Blue Sword — Same-Titled Poems 握掌心 如文如火喷薄而出 斩断黑暗耸立云端 ——托举正义光明希望与幸福 ——邓瑛(德国) held in my palm, you spurt out like verses and fire cleaving the dark and towering into the clouds -- lifting high the justice, light, hope and happiness — Written by Ying deng-Klein (Germany) 带着痛楚的 你的声名 千里相携 奔赴一场诀别 血里的光影 唱起天边的独行 ——吴垠(德国) your fame and suffering go a long way together to a farewell the light and shadow in the blood sing the lonely trudge at the skyline — Written by Wu Yin (Germany) 刀剑 用来划破乌云 迎接太阳 ——极光(瑞典) the sword is used to rip the black clouds and welcome the sun — Written by Jiguang (Sweden) 刀剑 用来支撑颤抖的双腿 和不敢迎战邪恶的灵魂 ——极光(瑞典) the sword is used to support two trembling legs and the soul that dare not fight evils ——极光(瑞典) — Written by Jiguang (Sweden) 人人都会用也人人都在用 一条舌头 杀出去无血,却同样能要人命 ——穆紫荆(德国) a tongue is used by everyone everyone can use it, yet it can still be used to take one's life with no blood — Written by Mu Zijing (Germany) 无心剑译于2019年12月31日。