

2016-07-29    08'45''

主播: 西学宗用

454 7

The Left Hand in the Right 作者:莫小米 译者:陈文伯(外交学院教授) 朗读:西学宗用 餐桌上有一首顺口溜很流行:握着小姑娘的手,好像回到十八九;握着情人的手,一股暖流上心头;握着小姨子的手,后悔当年握错手;握着老婆的手,好像右手握左手。 There’s a funny doggerel ['dɒgərəl]n.打油诗often heard at dinner table: Holding a teenage girl’s hand brings back your youthfulness; Holding your sweetheart’s sends a warm current surging冲击at heart; Holding a younger sister-in-law’s makes you regret for having asked for a wrong hand; Holding your wife’s gives you the impression that it’s the left hand in the right. 一听就是中老年男人的口气及感觉,餐桌上多的偏又是中老年男人,所以每当有人念出,熟悉的或不熟的一桌子人便会意地又放浪地笑起来,气氛立刻就轻松了,距离立刻就拉近了。当然,这是基于大家对该顺口溜的一致理解——感觉准确,描述到位,而且一句比一句精彩。尤其是最后一句,想想看,结婚几十年的老夫老妻,握手还不是索然无味一点儿感觉都没有了。 Its tone clearly shows that it can only be the utterance ['ʌtərəns]n.话语of a man no longer young. Sure enough, those at table are mostly middle-aged and elderly men, who roar indulgently [in'dʌldʒəntli]adv.放纵地 when the doggerel is recited, no matter whether they are familiar with each other, for the psychological distance心理距离 between them is so much shortened by the animated ['ænɪmeɪtɪd]adj.活泼的atmosphere. That, of course, is based on the same understanding: it is accurate in sentiment感情 and incisive [ɪn'saɪsɪv]adj.尖锐的in presentation表达, with one line better than the other, and the last is the best. Just think: when an old couple married for decades hold each other’s hand, do they feel anything special? No, nothing special at all. 有一天,有一餐桌上有人又念起这段顺口溜时,起先并没留意到餐桌上有一位中年女人,因而男人们照例笑得起劲。后来发现女人没笑,男人们便渐渐敛起了笑,并有些尴尬。女人说:“这词儿编得真是妙极了。”男人们以为她说反话,忙说闹着玩,别当真。女人认真地说:“最妙的就是这‘右手握左手’:第一,左手是最可以被右手信赖的;第二,左手和右手彼此都是自己的;第三,别的手任怎么叫你愉悦、兴奋、魂飞魄散,过后都是可以甩手的,只有左手,甩开了你就残缺了,是不是?”一桌子男人都佩服,赞女人的理解深刻而独到。女人淡淡地说:“有什么深刻而独到,不妨回去念给你们各自的老婆听听,看她们说些什么。” It happened at dinner one day that the recitation of the doggerel sent all the men roaring with laughter哄堂大笑, oblivious [ə'blɪvɪəs]adj.忘却的 of a middle-aged woman sitting among them without a stir一丝不为所动. As soon as they were conscious ['kɔnʃəs]adj.意识到的of her presence they checked克制 themselves in embarrassment [ɪm'bærəsmənt]n.尴尬. But the woman said: “The doggerel is cleverly composed.” Thinking she meant to be ironical反讽的, the men hastily ['heɪstɪlɪ]adv.匆忙地tried to explain it away辩白: “Nothing serious, just for fun.” But she made a serious remark: “Most ingenious [ɪn'dʒiːnɪəs]adj.巧妙的is the last expression ‘the left hand in the right.’” Then she gave her interpretation [ɪntɜːprɪ'teɪʃən]n.解释: “Firstly the left hand is most reliable to the right; secondly both the left and right hands belong to you yourself; thirdly, another person’s hand, however delighted, excited or even ecstatic [ɪk'stætɪk]adj.心醉神迷的 it can render给予 you, must be let go after the shake. But your left hand cannot be parted. Without it you become handicapped, don’t you?” All the listeners admired her for her deep and penetrating insight, but she dismissed不理会 it by saying: “Nothing deep or penetrating to speak of. Try to tell your respective wives and see what they will say.” 男人当中有胆子大的果然回去试探老婆,果然老婆的理解均与餐桌上的女人相同。她们都是左手,她们当然要以左手计。而他们都是右手,他们当然做右手想。 A bold man put it in practice. True enough, the response he got from his wife was similar to that of the above woman. Others who made the probe got almost the same result. That’s because the woman automatically regards herself as the left hand and looks at things from its angle, while the man takes it for granted that he is the right hand. 请关注微信公众号“西学宗用精品英语”(bobzongshenzhen)即可每天阅读英汉双语学习资料(【每日正音】【语法讲义】【完美英音训练营】【英汉互译实战】【剑桥少儿英语】【周末英语小故事】【小古文100篇】等)。