如何拥有快乐的人生-How to have a happy life (第一章第1小节)

如何拥有快乐的人生-How to have a happy life (第一章第1小节)

2020-05-04    04'57''

主播: 凯西Cathyyyyyy

193 1

Hello,大家好,我是凯西,从今天开始都会给大家朗读我最近很喜欢的一本英文励志丛书: How to have a happy life《快乐的人生》 讲述的是:如何让我们培养恬静快乐的心态,如何找到自我、保持自我,如何治好忧郁,如何避免为批评担忧,如何避免疲劳、保持精力和情绪高涨,如何战胜忧虑,从而改变你的人生。 总而言之,这是一本如何让大家踏上快乐人生的书噢 希望大家喜欢 1. Eight Words That Can Transform Your Life 可以改变人生的8个字 A few years ago, I was asked to answer this question on a radioprogram: "What is the biggest lesson you have ever learned?" 几年前,我在广播节目中应邀回答这个问题:“你曾经学到的最重要一课是什么?” That was easy: by far the most vital lesson I have ever learned is the importance of what we think. If I knew what you think, I would know what you are. Our thoughts make us what we are. Our mental attitude is the X factor that determines our fate. Emerson said: A man is what he thinks about all day long.”…How could he possibly be anything else? 这个问题非常容易:到目前为止,我曾经学到的最重要一课就是“我们思想的重要性”。如果知道你想什么,我就会知道你是什么样的人。我们的思想会使我们成为什么样的人。我们的心态是决定我们命运的未知因素。爱默生说过:“一个人就是他一天到晚的所思所想。”…他怎么可能会成为别的什么呢? I now know with a conviction beyond all doubt that the biggest problem you and I have to deal with-in fact, almost the only problem we have to deal with-is choosing the right thoughts. 我现在毫无疑问地深信,你和我必须对付的最大问题一一事实上,几平是我们必须对付的唯一问题一一就是选择正确的思想。 If we can do that, we will be on the highroad to solving all our problems. The great philosopher who ruled the Roman Empire, Marcus, summed it up in eight words eight words that can determine your destiny: "Our life is what our thoughts make it.” 如果我们能做到这-点,我们就会走上解决我们所有问题的康庄大道。统治罗马帝国的伟大哲学家马可・奥勒留总结为8个字一可以决定你命运的8个字:“生活是由思想造就。” Yes, if we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable. If we think fear thoughts,we will be fearful. If we think sickly thoughts, we will probably be ill. If we think failure, we will certainly fail. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will want to shun us and avoid us. "You are not"said Norman Vincent Peale, "you are not what you think you are; but what you think, you are.” 是的,如果思想快乐的东西,我们就会快乐。如果思想痛苦的东西,我们就会痛苦。如果思想可怕的东西,我们就会惧怕。如果思想病态的东西,我们就会生病。如果思想失败,我们肯定会失败。如果我们沉湖于自怜,人人都会想对我们退避三舍。诺曼・文森特・皮尔说:“你并不是你认为的样子,但你要那样认为,你就是那个样子。”
上一期: 凯西的励志英文美文朗读😉