No. 38 教你如何识破谎言

No. 38 教你如何识破谎言

2016-06-27    03'50''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

1827 102

大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师,每天两分钟,轻松掌握最接地气的1000句英式英语 今天呢我们学习超级实用的,教你如何识破谎言的三大大绝招If you suspect someone isn&`&t being totally honest, listen carefully to what they&`&re saying and how - you might spot one of these three signs如果你觉得比人对你不诚实了,那么仔细听他们说话的内容以及说话的方式,因为说谎有以下三个明显特征1 Start by observing how the person normally behavesAbnormal behaviour might indicate a problem, such as rapidly tapping a foot, or using many verbal fillers such as “um”,“well”如果一个人的行为跟平常相比比较异常,例如一只脚不停踏地,使用很多语气填充词。For example, How do you think about Mike?你觉得Mike怎么样,um, well, yeah, I think he is all right!那么回答问题的人一定在说谎。2 Statement analysis can help you find when some isn’t telling the truth. For example,Have you ever stolen from an employer?" "If the answer is, &`&I would never do that,&`& that could be a signal"I would never do that" is a statement about the future, not an answer to your question about the past.3 keep eye on facial expressionsFor instance when eyebrows move upward, usually means people like what they&`&ve just heard or seen. if one side of someone&`&s mouth goes up in a half smile, that&`&s a smirk that usually indicates contemptcontempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.