No.42. 英国新首相的咆哮

No.42. 英国新首相的咆哮

2016-07-20    03'27''

主播: 王君老师英式英语

3208 86

大家好,这里是英国法庭同传,TEFL 外教,王君老师今天我们讲讲英国即将上任的女首相Theresa May on… Brexit梅姐看脱欧In light of the referendum result, she has said: "I couldn’t be clearer. Brexit means Brexit. And we’re going to make a success of it.” 在这里对于脱欧的态度,新首相的态度可以说,十足的霸气,I couldn’t be clearer. Brexit means Brexit. And we’re going to make a success of it. 脱就脱了,我们将会成功Theresa May on… Immigration梅姐看移民Theresa is pledging to toughen up the asylum system, she said mass migration was putting unsustainable pressure on public services.   这一点与脱欧有密切关系,脱欧后会有更大自主权里控制移民,未来移民政策将进一步收紧。Theresa May on… Gay rights梅姐看同志In her leadership campaign launch, Mrs May said that the introduction of same-sex marriage was one of the Government’s biggest achievements.未来英国的同志朋友们的日子应该很好过了,腐国将是一个自由选择另一半的性别的天堂Theresa May on… Economy 梅姐看经济 这里最重要的,也是人们最关心的一点She promised to change the way that big businesses are governed with plans to put worker representatives on all main company boards and tighten control on executive pay.梅姐希望可以在公司董事会安放工人代表,并且监控对高管薪酬。其实这一点我个人认为并不是明智之举,增加工人参与度和福利这一系列政策与之前的那位铁娘子,唱的正好是反调,撒切尔夫人在为之时,最有名的一个政策就是:Privatisation of state-owned companies, and reducing the power and influence of trade unions.在这里Trade Union 其实就是工人代表的组织,撒切尔夫人通过私有化以及降低工会对企业的影响和控制,让那个时代的英国经济得到腾飞。中国改革开放的成就与私有化也是密切不可分割的,所以从这一点来看,究竟新的首相梅姐到底是“铁娘子” 还是“纸老虎’呢,我们拭目以待