亲子英语-Oh where has my little dog gone

亲子英语-Oh where has my little dog gone

2017-07-25    02'46''

主播: Johnlau330

44 2

更多精彩内容,欢迎关注公众号【qinzi66english】亲子英语朗读 Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? 哦,在哪里? 哦,我的小狗哪里去了? Oh where, oh where can he be? 哦,在哪里,哦,他会去哪里呢? With his ears cut short 他的耳朵剪的短短的 and his tail cut long 他的尾巴修的长长的 Oh where, oh where can he be? 哦,在哪里,哦,他会在哪里呢?