

2017-05-24    04'42''

主播: henry👈

435 3

为什么中国学生听力这么差,因为是英语和汉语的巨大差异,英语单词在句子中由于连读与省略而发生变音,这是用一个字一个字读单词的中国学生很多人误入歧途的最大原因。下面的方法可以帮大家摆脱困境,令大家英语听力突飞猛进。 小美英语的方法是,用英语的变音组合练习 来训练听力,就是练习组合单词的变音读法,提高听力。请听下面的双语新闻: 据《郑州晚报》报道 according to Zheng zhou Evening Post,河南郑州的两名中学生Two middle school students in Zhengzhou, Hernan province 竟能将枯燥的函数,绘制成生动的图案managed to transform dull functions into beautiful figures, :心、苹果、甚至扎辫子的小姑娘……depicting hearts, apples and even a little girl with pigtails。 听一遍全文。 Two middle school students in Zhengzhou, Hernan province ,managed to transform dull functions into beautiful figures, depicting hearts, apples and even a little girl with pigtails, according to Zheng zhou Evening Post. 变音组合练习 middle school students , middle school students 中学生 middle school students, transform dull functions into , transform dull functions into将枯燥的函数绘制成transform dull functions into , 当看到两名学生用函数绘制出来的心形图案 when two of her students created a heart-shaped figure using functions. ,他们的数学老师闫丽娜Their math teacher, Yan Li na,非常惊叹was surprised 。她把这项成就发表在了一篇博客里Yan wrote about the accomplishment on her blog,并表示用这样的方式展现出来的数学,很美remarking that math looks so beautiful that way。闫丽娜的博客引起了人们对教数学最好的方法的热议 Yan&`&s blog post sparked a discussion on the best way to teach math. 。她说 said Yan. ,这种融合了数学、理性思维、艺术和创造力的方法很值得一试 The method of combining mathematical and rational thinking with art and creativity may worth a try。 听一遍全文。 Their math teacher, Yan Li na, was surprised when two of her students created a heart-shaped figure using functions. Yan wrote about the accomplishment on her blog, remarking that math looks so beautiful that way. Yan&`&s blog post sparked a discussion on the best way to teach math. The method of combining mathematical and rational thinking with art and creativity may worth a try, said Yan. 变音组合练习 a heart-shaped figure ,a heart-shaped figure 心形图案 ,a heart-shaped figure 。 may worth a try,may worth a try,值得一试may worth a try with art and creativity ,with art and creativity ,艺术和创造力的with art and creativity , The method of combining ,The method of combining 融合的方法The method of combining , two of her students ,two of her students 他的两个学生two of her students 今天的新闻英语变音听力练习就到这里,小美在这里跟大家说再会。