一首诗一首歌的时间 |Luke |玛丽.奥利弗

一首诗一首歌的时间 |Luke |玛丽.奥利弗

2018-08-12    02'34''

主播: 黑格子~

1245 6

Mary Oliver is not only one of the sagest and most beloved poets of our time, a recipient of a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award. 我非常热爱她写的Dog Songs 几组诗歌。今天与你们分享。 LUKE I had a dog who loved flowers. Briskly she went through the fields, yet paused for the honeysuckle or the rose, her dark head and her wet nose touching the face of every one with its petals of silk, with its fragrance rising into the air where the bees, their bodies heavy with pollen, hovered— and easily she adored every blossom, not in the serious, careful way that we choose this blossom or that blossom— the way we praise or don’t praise— the way we love or don’t love— but the way we long to be— that happy in the heaven of earth— that wild, that loving. 背景音乐: A Thousand Times Good Night - Abel Korzeniowski Melodía de la película - Hachiko