玛丽与Ricky之间的对话, 看着狗狗秀,叹息到狗狗的惨状(又是拔毛,又是梳辫子,又是洗澡的)。
“If I ever meet one of these dogs I’m going 如果我今后能遇见这些参与狗秀狗狗
to invite him to come here, where he can 我一定会请它上我们家居住
be a proper dog.”可以这样的无忧无虑做一只狗狗该做的事情
Okay, I said. But remember, you can’t fix “哦,但是你记得不,你不能够
everything in the world for everybody. 拯救这全世界”
“However,” said Ricky, “you can’t do “但是,
anything at all unless you begin. Haven’t 除非你开始,否则你什么也做不了
I heard you say that once or twice, or 我还不是听你说一次?还是两次?
maybe a hundred times?”还是上百回了?”