2016-04-03    06'30''

主播: zyy1206

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在那樱花盛开的地方:美到没朋友喔~ 本期主播:孙娟娟 文章摘自:沪江英语 录制地点:忻州职业技术学院 New shoots and first blooms are nature's signal that spring has arrived - even if warmer weather hasn't made an appearance. 新生的嫩芽和初绽的花朵是大自然的信号,预示着春天已经到来——即使更温暖的天气还没有出现。 As these vibrant photographs show, cherry blossom trees are set to create glorious floral displays around the world. 从这些充满生机的照片中,我们可以看出全世界的樱花树都会营造出美伦美奂的花景。 These stunning images, taken in Japan and in South Korea, show their picturesque landscapes being transformed into a sea of pink as cherry trees bloom. 这些惊艳的美图摄于日本和韩国,盛开的樱花把这两个风景如画的国家变成了粉红的花海。 Japan has celebrations for cherry blossoms every year from about the end of March to the beginning of April. 日本每年三月底到四月初都会庆祝樱花盛开。 Yoshiki Fujiwara, a photographer based in Japan, has travelled to different parts of the country, including Kyoto, Kansai and Honshu, to capture the cherry blossom in 2015. 藤原喜章(Yoshiki Fujiwara)是一位日本摄影师,他曾在2015年到京都、关西和本州等不同地区拍摄樱花。 Some of his images showed the surreal landscape covered in pink while in others, the bright flowers are nestled amongst forest green trees. 他的作品有的展示了大地一片粉红的超现实美景,有的则是鲜艳的花朵静栖于绿色的树林之中。 Jessica Wry who went to Gunhangje Festival said: 'Seeing the cherry blossoms for the first time in Jinhae was one of the best, it was a very exciting experience'. 杰西卡·叶瑞(Jessica Wry)参加了军港樱花节之后说:“我第一次欣赏镇海的樱花,是最美好的一次经历,非常激动人心。” A close up of the flowers taken at Gunhangje Festival shows their delicate petals huddled together. Some are still in their unfurling bud. 这是一幅摄于军港樱花节的樱花特写,精致纤细的花瓣簇拥在一起,有的花瓣刚从小蓓蕾中绽开。 Yoshiki Fujiwara travelled around Japan to trail cherry blossoms. Above, the flowers are seen at night time in the Okayama Prefecture. 藤原喜章曾到日本各地追寻樱花美景,以上是摄于冈山县的樱花夜景。 The country even has its own word for cherry blossom flower viewing - 'hanami'. 日本甚至有一个表示樱花欣赏之道的专有名词——“花见(hanami)”。 Beside a canal in the Shiga Prefecture, Japan, the branches of the cherry trees are weighed down by the heavy flowers they carry. 在日本滋贺县的一条运河两侧,沉甸甸的樱花压弯了樱树枝。 Jessica Wry took this image at the annual Gunhangje Festival in Jinhae, South Korea. The 10-day festival returns again from April 1。 这幅照片由杰西卡·叶瑞摄于一年一度的韩国镇海军港樱花节,樱花节共10天,今年将于4月1日启动。 Two locals walk on a rail tracks under the blossom in Jinhae. The pink flowers contrast sharply with the green of the bushes below. 两个当地人在镇海的铁轨上散步,头顶就是盛开的樱花,粉红色的花朵和花下绿色的灌木形成了强烈的对比。 Different installations appear at Gunhangje Festival when the cherry blossoms are in full swing. There are also many cultural events. 樱花盛开时,镇海军港樱花节上会有各种不同的小装置,还会有许多文化活动 垫乐:The Saltwater Room 春夏秋冬 主播:孙娟娟 制作/策划:张媛媛 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片来源于网络