📢学唱《 Some Dreams》Allan Taylor

📢学唱《 Some Dreams》Allan Taylor

2016-04-13    16'00''

主播: Eva娃娃娃

5148 183

微信公众号:HIGHYYG 微信:YJ39393939 想入群的请先加微信,备注入荔枝群 Eva: Hello,大家好,这里是FM1819316逐句学英文歌节目,好久不见啦,我是Eva。大家有没想我呢,今天我将陆续更新节目,之前因为录音设备的缘故,耽误了非常非常久的时间,同时今天我也邀请了我的好朋友Canace跟我一起录制,Canace和大家打声招呼吧 Canace: 各位好,我是Canace Eva: 好的,那我们不多说废话了,我们正式开始给大家推荐歌曲吧 Canace: 今天要给大家介绍的歌曲叫做《Some Dreams》,来自于Allan Taylor Eva: 我们先一起完整的听下这首歌吧 Canace: 这首歌值得我们静静地去聆听。你还记得自己的梦想是什么吗?在你的梦中又出现过什么难忘的场景呢。Dream可以表示“梦想”,也可以表示我们熟睡时所做的“梦”。 Eva: Allan Taylor来自于英国,他的演奏生涯超过三十年。嗓音低沉醇厚,他的吉他演奏也是优雅娴熟,搭配上其他的乐手的乐器,使得这首歌清新脱俗。 Canace: Some dreams are big, some dreams are small. Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all. Carry away基本的意思就是:带走、冲走、搬走。Carry away 听几个例句: I saw the boy carried away to the hospital. Eva: 这句的意思是,我看到那个男孩被抬去医院 Canace: Carry away还有冲昏头脑的意思. 例如:He was carried away by his enthusiasm Eva: 这句的意思是,热情使他的头脑不够冷静 Enthusiasm就是指“热情”。好,接下来我们一起进入逐句跟读英语歌词的部分 每句歌词将会慢速的朗读两遍,大家开始听吧 Some Dreams 歌词: Some dreams are big, some dreams are small 有些梦想很大,有些很小 Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all 有些随风而去,不再想起 Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true 有些如同谎言,有些成真 I&`&ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you 我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你 If not for me, if not for you 如果不是因为我,如果不是为了你 I&`&d be dreaming all day I wouldn&`&t know what to do 我会整日发梦,不知所措 I&`&d hang around, I&`&d lose my way 我会团团乱转,迷失自我 I&`&d put off what I couldn&`&t do for another day 并且日复一日,蹉跎万事 Some dreams are big, some dreams are small 有些梦想很大,有些很小 Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all 有些随风而去,不再想起 Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true 有些如同谎言,有些成真 I&`&ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you 我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你 I&`&ve spent my life hung up on dreams 我消磨了光阴,沉醉梦里, I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems 我飘飘荡荡,好像夏天里的一朵云 I get it wrong most things I do 我做错了太多的事情 But I can write a song and this one&`&s for you 但我还能够写一首歌,这首歌,送给你 Some dreams are big, some dreams are small 有些梦想很大,有些很小 Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all 有些随风而去,不再想起 Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true 有些如同谎言,有些成真 I&`&ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you 我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你 Some call it fate, some call it chance 有人把这叫做宿命,有人说是偶然 Some call waiting around for someone to ask you to dance 有人说这是在舞池里等待邀请 If I had my way, if I could call the tune 如果当时我没有迷失,如果我可以挪动脚步 You wouldn&`&t have to wait &`&cause I would dance you around the moon 你不必等待,因为我会像月亮的卫星,围绕着你跳舞 Some dreams are big, some dreams are small 有些梦想很大,有些很小 Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all 有些随风而去,不再想起 Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true 有些如同谎言,有些成真 I&`&ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you 我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你 I&`&ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you 我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你 Eva: 好的,这首歌就分享到这里,同时希望大家能经常来听我们的节目哦,同时也可以关注我们的微信公众号:HIGH英语歌,直接搜HIGH英语歌就可以找到我们,或者直接在节目栏里扫二维码,公众号里面有详细的音频和文字,更方便大家进行学习吧。 Eva&Canace:今天的节目就到这来,感谢收听,再见。