

2016-05-31    02'18''

主播: 北教培优学院

752 56

The first contained the secret of learning. 头一张写的是如何学习这些羊皮卷上的功课, The others contained all the secrets and principles necessary 其它几张讲的是关于 to become a great success in the art of selling. 推销艺术的所有秘诀。 For the next year I was tutored each day on the wise words of the scrolls 他花了整整二年的功夫, and with the secret of learning from the first scroll 把那些哲理一条一条地讲给我听。 I eventually memorized every word 我终于记下了每一卷里的每一个字, on every scroll until they had become a part of my thinking and my life. They became habit. 直到它们与我溶为一体,成为我生活的一部分。 "At last I was presented with the chest containing all ten scrolls, “后来,他把箱子给了我。除了十张羊皮卷以外, a sealed letter, and a purse containing fifty gold pieces. 里面还有一封信,一个钱袋,装着五十枚金币。 The sealed letter was not to be opened until my adopted home was out of sight. 那封信必须在我离开他家以后才能拆开。 I bade the family farewell 于是我辞别了那一家人, and waited until I had reached the trade route to Palmyra before opening the letter. 只身前往帕尔迈拉岛经商。 The contents commanded me to take the gold pieces, 我看了那封信,信上说,我得利用那些钱, apply what I had learned from the scrolls, and begin a new life. 结合羊皮卷上教的方法,去开创新的生活。 The letter further commanded me to always share half of whatever wealth I would acquire 信中命令我无论何时, with others less fortunate, 都要把赚得的一半财富分给比我贫穷的人, but the leather scrolls were neither to be given 但是箱中的羊皮卷不能给人, nor shared with anyone 甚至不能让人看到, until the day when I would be given a special sign 直到我得到神的启示, that would tell me who was next chosen to receive these scrolls" 找到下一个人选为止。” Hafid shook his head, "I do not understand, sire" 海菲摇摇头,“我不明白,老爷。” "I will explain. “我会解释给你听。 I have remained on watch for this person with a sign for many years 许多年来,我一直在寻找那个人。 and while I watched I applied what I learned from the scrolls to amass a great fortune. 我一面等待他的出现,一面应用羊皮卷中的秘诀经商,积攒了不少财富。 I had almost come to believe that no such person would ever appear before my death 你从伯利恒回来以前, until you returned from your trip to Bethlehem. 我还以为有生之年见不到这个人了。 My first thinking that you were the chosen one to receive the scrolls 我觉得你就是羊皮卷的下任继承人 came upon me when you appeared under the bright star 一直到看见你站在那颗星星下面的时候, that had followed you from Bethlehem. 我才意识到什么。 In my heart I have tried to comprehend the meaning of this event 我试图去想清这种现象的喻意, but I am resigned not to challenge the actions of the gods. 而我只能顺从神的安排。 Then when you told me of giving up the robe, 后来,你告诉我说你放弃了 which meant so much to you, 那件对你来说意义重大的袍子时, something within my heart spoke and told me that my long search was ended. 我才听到内心深处有一个声音说:我长期以来的寻求,可以结束了。