

2016-06-03    02'50''

主播: 北教培优学院

892 79

Next the young lady spoke. She said that she had met the prisoner on the boat which had carried her and her father from France to England. 接下来是那个年轻子发言。她说在她和父亲从法国来英国的船上曾遇到过这个犯人。 &`&He was very good and kind to my father and to me, &`&she said. “他对我父亲和我都很友善。”她说。 &`&Was he travelling alone on the ship?&`& “他当时是只身一人乘船旅行的吗?” &`&No, he was with two French gentlemen.&`& “不,他和两个法国人在一起。” &`&Now, Miss Manette, did you see him show them any papers, or anything that looked like a list?&`& “那么,马内特小姐,你看到他给他们看了什么文件或任何类似表格一样的东西吗?” &`&No, I didn&`&t see anything like that.&`& “没有,我没有看见过任何这类的东西。” Questions, questions, questions!The trial went on, and finally, a small, red-haired man spoke. 问题一个接着一个地提出来!审判继续进行着。最后,一位矮小,红头发的男人说话了。 He told the judge that he had seen Mr Darnay at a hotel in a town where there were many soldiers and ships. 他告诉法官说他曾在一个小镇的一家旅馆见到过代尔那先生,那儿有很多的士兵和船只。 Then one of the lawyers, a man called Sydney Carton, wrote some words on a piece of paper, and gave it to Mr Stryver, the lawyer who was speaking for Mr Darnay. 接下来一位名叫西得尼·卡登的律师在一张纸上写了几个字并把它递给代尔那先生的辩护律师史太弗先生。 &`&Are you quite sure that the prisoner is the man you saw?&`& Mr Stryver asked the red-haired man. “你能肯定这个犯人就是你见过的那个人吗?”史太弗先生问那个红头发男人。 &`&Quite sure, &`& said the man. “非常肯定。”他说。 Have you ever seen anyone like the prisoner?&`& asked Mr Stryver. “你曾见过和这个罪犯长得相像的人吗?”史太弗先生问。 &`&I&`&d always be able to recognize him.&`& The red-haired man was very confident. “无论如何我都能把他认出来的。”红头发男人非常自信。 &`&Then I must ask you to look at the gentleman over there, &`& said Mr Stryver, pointing to Sydney Carton. “那么我得请您看看那边的那位先生,”史太弗先生指着西得尼·卡登说。 &`&Don&`&t you think that he is very like the prisoner?&`& “您不认为他长得非常像这位犯人吗?” Everyone in the court could see that Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay were indeed very similar. 法庭上的每一个人都能看出西得尼·卡登和查尔斯·代尔那长得的确很相像。 &`&Well then, &`& said Mr Stryver, &`&it is so easy to find a man like the prisoner that we can even find one in this room. “那么说,”史太弗先生说道。“很容易就能找到一个与罪犯相像的人乃至在这间屋子里我们就能找出一个和罪犯长得酷似的人, So how can you be so sure that it was the prisoner you saw in that hotel?&`& 那你又怎么能确信你在旅馆里看到的就是罪犯呢?” And the red-haired man said not another word. 红头发男人再也说不出话来了。 The lawyers talked and argued, and when at last the trial came to an end, Jerry Cruncher had fallen asleep. 律师们开始争辩讨论。当审判最后结束时,杰里·克拉彻都已睡着了。