

2016-06-04    04'30''

主播: 北教培优学院

1128 81

Soon they drove off in a coach, and then Mr Stryver and Mr Lorry walked away, leaving Mr Darnay and Mr Carton alone. 很快他们就坐上马车走了。然后,史太弗先生和劳里先生也走开了,剩下代尔那和卡登先生单独在一起。 &`&It must be strange for you, &`& said Carton, &`&to be a free man again, and to be standing here, talking to a man who looks just like you. Let us go out and eat together.&`& “你一定感到奇怪。”卡登说。“你又自由了、而且站在这儿和一个长得酷似你的人谈话。我们一起出去吃一顿吧。” After they had eaten, Carton said softly, &`&How sad and worried Miss Manette was for you today! She&`&s a very beautiful young woman, don&`&t you think?&`& 饭后,卡登轻声地说,“瞧,今天马内特小姐为你多么伤心着急呀!她可是个漂亮的姑娘,你不这么认为吗?” Darnay did not reply to what Carton had said, but he thanked him for his help at the trial. 代尔那没有回应卡登的话,而是对他在法庭上的帮助表示感谢。 &`&I don&`&t want your thanks, &`& replied Carton.&`&I have done nothing. And I don&`&t think I like you.&`& “我不要你的感谢。”卡登说。“我没做什么。我想我也并不喜欢你。” &`&Well, &`& said Darnay, &`&you have no reason to like me. But I hope that you will allow me to pay the bill for both of us.&`& “好吧,”代尔那说。“你没有理由要喜欢我,但是我希望你要允许我为我们两个人付账。” &`&Of course. And as you are paying for me, I&`&ll have another bottle of wine.&`& “当然。而且既然你要为我付账,那么我就再来一瓶葡萄酒吧。” After Darnay had left, Carton drank some more wine and looked at himself in the mirror. 代尔那走后,卡登又喝了些酒,并照了照镜子。 He was angry because Darnay looked so much like him, but was so different. 让他恼火的是代尔那长得和他如此相像,但是他们又如此不同。 Carton knew that he was a clever lawyer, and that he was a good and honest man, but he had never been successful for himself. 卡登明白自己是一个精明的律师,又是一个诚实的好人,但他自己却从未成功过。 He drank too much, and his life was unhappy and friendless. His cleverness and his hard work in the law only made others, 他酗酒,生活不幸且没有朋友。他在法律方面的聪明才智和辛勤工作仅仅使得他人, like Mr Stryver, successful and rich. He remembered Lucie Manette&`&s worried face when she watched Darnay in court. 比如史太弗先生,名利双收。路茜·马内特在法庭上看着代尔那时的焦急面容仍在他的脑海中。 &`&If I changed places with Darnay, &`& he whispered to himself, &`&would those blue eyes of Miss Manette look at me, in the same way? No, no, it&`&s too late now.&`& “如果我和代尔那换个位置,”他悄声对自己说,“马内特小姐的那双蓝眼睛也会那样看着我吗?不,不,现在已经太晚了。” He drank another bottle of wine and fell asleep. 他又喝了一瓶酒,然后就睡着了。 In a quiet street not far away was the house where Dr Manette and Lucie lived. 马内特医生和路茜所住的房子就在不远处的一条宁静的街上。 They had one servant, Miss Pross, who had taken care of Lucie since she was a child. 他们有一个仆人普罗斯小姐。路茜从小时候起就是由她带大的。 Miss Pross had red hair and a quick, sharp voice, and seemed at first sight a very alarming person. 普罗斯小姐有一头红发,说话急促而尖利。第一眼看上去她会让人感到害怕。 But everybody knew that she was in fact a warm-hearted and unselfish friend, who would do anything to guard her darling Lucie from trouble or danger. 但每个人都知道她实际上是个热心而无私的朋友。她会不惜一切地保护她亲爱的路茜免遭麻烦和危险。 Dr Manette was now well enough to work as a doctor, and he, Lucie, and Miss Pross led a quiet, comfortable life. 马内特医生现在已恢复得很好,已经可以胜任医生的工作了。他、路茜和普罗斯小姐过着宁静而舒适的生活。 Mr Lorry, who had become a close family friend, came regularly to the house, and in the months after the trial, 劳里先生已成为这个家的亲密朋友,经常来这里作客。同时在那个审判会过后几个月, Mr Darnay and Mr Carton were also frequent visitors. 代尔那先生和卡登先生也成了这里的常客, This did not please Miss Pross at all, who always looked very cross when they came. 这让普罗斯小姐一点儿都不高兴。每次他们来时她都显得很生气。 &`&Nobody is good enough for my darling Lucie, &`& she told Mr Lorry one day, &`&and I don&`&t like all these hundreds of visitors.&`& “没有人能配得上我亲爱的路茜。”她有一天对劳里先生说,“而且我也不喜欢这成百个的客人。” Mr Lorry had a very high opinion of Miss Pross, but he wasn&`&t brave enough to argue that two visitors were not&`&hundreds&`&. 劳里先生很看重普罗斯小姐,可他却没有足够的勇气去和她争论说两个客人够不上“成百个”。 Nobody argued with Miss Pross if they could avoid it. 只要能避免就没人愿意去和普罗斯小姐争吵。