Friends 118 The One with All the Poker

Friends 118 The One with All the Poker

2016-04-25    22'23''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

1076 90

【简介】 1.18 The One with All the Poker Rachel, tired of being a waitress, sends out resumes; she gets an interview with Saks Fifth Avenue. Ross pines for(v.渴望得到) Rachel. The girls decide they want in on the guys' poker games; Reluctantly, the guys accept. The girls don't do so well, but they want a rematch. Monica's competative side comes out... she may have thrown a plate once during a Pictionary game, but she insists it was an accident. Monica enlists the help of her Aunt Iris to give them some poker tips; the girls still don't do so well. Then at the third game, the girls are going down again. Rachel gets some bad news about the job for which she's been interviewing, and gets aggressive at cards; she taunts Ross into a high stakes hand... and he lets her win because he wants to see her happy. 118 玩扑克 瑞秋腻烦了当女侍应,送出许多简历应聘; 她在第五大道上(首屈一指的)Saks Fifth Avenue百货公司得到面试机会。 罗斯为瑞秋倾倒。 男人们玩扑克牌,三个女人也想加入,男人们犹豫着答应了。 女人们初学乍练输掉第一局,想再玩一次。争强好胜的莫妮卡一发不可收拾… 她曾在画图猜单词的游戏中摔碎一只盘子,不过她坚称那只是个小事故。 莫妮卡找来救兵,五岁即开始玩牌的艾瑞丝舅妈;艾瑞丝舅妈传授了许多玩扑克的金科玉律,但几个女人仍然败北; 第三局,女人们败势已显;雪上加霜的是,瑞秋接到面试失败的消息,因此玩命的玩牌; 她将罗斯逼到很高的赌注……而罗斯故意让她赢了,只因为他想看到她开心。 【详解】 Rachel: Hey, look, you guys, I'm going for anything here, OK? I cannot be a waitress anymore, I mean it. I'm sick of the lousy tips, I'm sick of being called 'Excuse me...' lousy adj.恶心的 讨厌的 Ross: Rach, did you proofread these? proofread vt.校对 Joey: Oh no, I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few. the Xerox machine n.复印机 Phoebe: (reading): Dear Ms. Green, thank you for your inquiry, however... oh... (crumples up letter) inquiry n.调查 咨询/crumple up v.揉皱 Chandler: Is this still about her whole 'The Flintstones could've really happened' thing? The Flintstones石头族乐园:一部美国风味很浓的喜闹剧,改编自流行一时的电视卡通影集。本片的最大噱头是很多现代化的用具放在上古时代,因时空错置而产生笑料,整体而言较投合小孩子的趣味。本片由大导演史蒂文斯皮尔伯格旗下的安布林公司拍摄,斯皮尔伯格本人更亲自担任影片的制片。本片当年(1994)被誉为是一部具有视觉创造性的影片,采用电脑特技将一个快乐神奇的摩登石头族的乐园呈现在大家的面前/The Flintstones could've really happened 钱德勒问罗斯为什么不约会林达,罗斯说不知道。钱德勒想起林达认为“《摩登石头族(The Flintstones)》电影中的情节真的可能在现实中发生”,这是一本描写两个石器时代家庭和现代科技交织的名片。身为古生物学家,罗斯当然认为这种时空错乱是荒谬的,钱德勒认为是这一点让罗斯不想约会林达 Chandler: ...little playthings with yarn? plaything n.玩具被玩弄的人/yarn n.纱 纱线 Phoebe: Yeah, what is that? Like, some kind of guy thing? Like, some kind of sexist guy thing? Like it's poker, so only guys can play? sexist n.男性至上主义者 主张(指对女性的)性别歧视者 Monica: Oh, please, that is such a lame excuse! lame excuse n.蹩脚的借口 Chandler: (teaching) OK, so now we draw cards. draw cards v.抽牌 Monica: So I wouldn't need any, right? Cause I have a straight. straight n.(纸牌)五张顺牌 Phoebe: OK, I just need two... the ten of spades and the six of clubs. spade n.黑桃/club n.梅花/the ten of spades 黑桃十/suits n.花色/hearts n.红桃/diamonds n.方片 Monica: Alright, here we go. We've got salmon roulettes and assorted crudités. roulette n.轮盘赌/assorted adj.各种各样的 Joey: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Monica, what're you doin'? This is a poker game. You can't serve food with more than one syllable. It's gotta be like chips, or dip, or pretz...(look of realization) syllable n.音节/pretz n.脆饼干 Chandler: (changing subject) OK, so at this point, the dealer... at this point adv.此时此刻/the dealer n.出牌者 Joey: Heh... I was bluffing. bluff v. 以假象欺骗 糊弄 Chandler: Rach, Rach, we gotta settle. settle vt.算账 结算 Chandler: The Jamestown colony of Virginia. You see, King George is giving us the land, so... The Jamestown Settlement was the first permanent English settlement in North America. Named for King James I of England, Jamestown was founded in the Virginia Colony on May 24, 1607. In modern times, "Jamestown Settlement" is also a promotional name used by the Commonwealth of Virginia's portion of the historical attractions at Jamestown. It is adjacent and complementary to the Historic Jamestown attraction at Jamestown Island/瑞秋和钱德勒等人打牌,输了却不知道给钱,因此钱德勒用乔治三世(King George)把弗吉尼亚的殖民地詹姆斯敦给了美国来作比喻。乔治三世是英国历史上的君主,他对北美殖民地采取强硬态度,最终导致美国革命 Rachel: (to Ross) So basically, you get your ya-yas by taking money from all of your friends. basically adv.基本上 本质上/ya-ya n.组合家具 Ross: You are way off, pal. way off 错得厉害/pal n.朋友 Ross: Um.... no. See, I might've had feelings for her at one time,not any more. I just...I have feeling for sb v.对某人有爱意/at one time adv.从前 Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black. kettle n.(烧水用的)壶/这句话来源于一句古语:It's like the pot calling the kettle black罐子笑壶黑。即:五十步笑百步因为很多铁制炊具为黑色 Rachel: Oh, I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident? beg to differ v.恕不同意 Aunt Iris: Is Tony Randall dead? Tony Randall 莫尼卡请来了牌场高手艾莉斯姑姑,她一进门就问:“托尼·兰德尔(Tony Randall)是否死了?”这是著名的演员,曾出演过《致命的直觉》。大家都对姑姑的问话很疑惑,结果姑姑说她出门时好像撞到了兰德尔,大家正在惊讶时,姑姑笑着揭穿了把戏:原来她在教大家牌场上要学会吹嘘自己的实力/Tony Randall (February 26, 1920 – May 17, 2004) was an American comic and actor. Aunt Iris: No! That's bluffing. Lesson number one. (walks into kitchen) Let me tell you something... everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap. (to Phoebe) Nice earrings. pure crap n.一派胡言/earring n.耳环 Chandler: Um, ok... the... the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident? cave v.屈服/Trident:不含糖的口香糖.其广告为:5个牙医中有4个都推荐Trident/Trident is a brand of sugarless chewing gum popular in the United States, Canada, Greece, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Venezuela, Morocco, Thailand and Mexico. It was also introduced by Cadbury Schweppes in the United Kingdom in January 2007. Ross: Uh, Rach, do you want me to shuffle those? shuffle v.洗牌/reshuffle也是个常用词,特别在政治新闻里,说某个政党或政府要重组,也是reshuffle。 Joey: But hey, thanks for teachin' us Cross-Eyed Mary. You guys, we gotta play that at our regular game. Cross-Eyed adj.斜视的/Cross-eyed Mary斜眼玛丽。这是来自于IRON MAIDEN的一首歌。女孩们刚学的扑克招数里有个eye contact trick,往左斜眼代表“缺梅花”之类的,男孩们就把这个trick戏称做Cross-Eyed Mary Ross: So, you gals wanna hand over your money now? That way, we don't have to go through the formality of actually playing. gal n.女孩/formality n.拘泥形式 Rachel: Ooooh, that's fine. We'll see who has the last laugh there, monkey boy. have the last laugh v.笑到最后 取得最后胜利 Monica: Alright, Cincinnati, no blinds, everybody ante. (deals cards) ante v. 预下(赌注)/Cincinnati:这是一种家庭扑克牌(Home game)的玩法,又称之为Utah, Lamebrains, or California,widow game 和southern cross也与此相似。Cincinnati 的具体玩法是每个人都发5张牌,牌底朝下(face down),剩下的牌则放在桌子中央。先下一轮注(a round of betting),然后由牌童(houseman)或发牌人(dealer)揭开桌子中央底牌底(turn up the central card),每揭开一张又下一轮注, 在最后一张牌揭晓时(showdown),每个玩家选用他手上最好的5张牌比大小/No blinds, everybody ante未见牌不得下注。ante和blinds都是下注的方式。ante是出牌(deal)前所下的注,而且不算作下回赌注中的一部分;blinds则恰恰相反,在不看自己的下一张牌时就下注,而且会成为下次赌注的一部分。 Ross: Well, you better hop outta the shower, cause... I got a flush. (lays down cards) hop v.单脚跳/shower n.浴室/flush:是5张牌都是同花不连成一句话.一手牌(hand)比大小时,four of kind>full house>flush>straight。Four of kind是4张一样的,大概相当于4个炸弹。Full House是指5张牌中有3张一样的(3个k)和2张一样的(2个3), straight flush是同花顺,Straight是5张牌连成一句话(56789),但不同花色。 Rachel: (deals new hand) Boy, you really can't stand to lose, can you? Your whole face is getting red... little veins popping out on your temple... deal new hand v.新发一副牌/vein n.静脉/pop out v.暴出/temple n.太阳穴 Rachel: (lays down cards) Full house. Full House是指5张牌中有3张一样的(3个k)和2张一样的(2个3) Joey: (triumphantly) The Unbearable Likeness of Bean! The Unbearable Likeness of Being:生命中不能承受之轻。大家在Monica家聚会,玩一个叫Pictionary的游戏,这个游戏的玩法就是有人画图,让大家猜成语或字。Joey的回答其实是一个相当好笑的谐音,实际答案《生命中不能承受之轻》的正确原文应该是The Unbearable Lightness of Being. 这是知名捷克作家米兰.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的著名小说,曾改编成电影《布拉格的春天》。但此处Rachel画了一颗“豆子” bean, bean和being音近,Joey又觉得Rachel的豆子画的“受不了的相像”Unbearable Likeness,所以他就组成了这句The Unbearable Likeness of Bean,表面意义是“像得不得了的豆子”,但谐音就是The Unbearable Lightness of Being,所以他答对了/