Friends 122 The One with the Ick Factor

Friends 122 The One with the Ick Factor

2016-04-27    22'35''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

969 89

【前言】放不下剧本哟,有需要留言~ 【简介】 1.22 The One with the Ick Factor Rachel has sex dreams--first about Chandler, then Chandler and Joey, and finally about Ross. Phoebe looks for supplemental income, and works part time as Chandler's secretary. This leads to Chandler's discover that the people at the office don't like him anymore... and they even mimic his unique way of talking. Monica dates Ethan, a younger man who turns out to be even younger than she thought; She breaks up with him because it's just too icky. Ross gets a beeper so Carol can page him when she goes into labor; After several false alarms, he gets beeped for the real thing, and everyone heads to the hospital. 122 倒人胃口的约会 瑞秋大做春梦——先是和钱德,第二次天梦见和钱德及乔伊(不过大多数时间是后两人在忙乎),第三个梦终于是和罗斯。 菲比想做兼差赚钱,所以给钱德当秘书。  钱德由此发现同僚们不再像以前那样喜欢他……甚至模仿他讲话的语气取乐。 莫妮卡和二年级生艾森约会,后来方知此君竟然是——高中——二年级生; 她无法接受遂与之分手。 罗斯买了个呼机,以方便卡萝将要分娩时同他联络; 经历多场虚惊之后,他终于收到卡萝的呼叫。 大家赶至医院。 【详解】 Chandler: Interesting, cause in my dreams, I'm surprisingly inadequate. (Monica pats him on his lap) inadequate adj不能胜任的 力不从心/lap n.大腿前部 Phoebe: (points at Joey's pen) Uh, uh, give me. Can you see me operating a drill press? drill press n.钻床 Phoebe: No, nothing like that. I was just...such a dummie. I taught this "massage-yourself-at-home" workshop. And they are. dummie n.大笨蛋/workshop n.讲习班 Joey: What the hell does a paleontologist need a beeper for? paleontologist n.古生物学家 Monica: Is it like for dinosaur emergencies. 'Help, come quick, they're still extinct.' extinct adj.灭绝的 Ross: No, it's for when Carol goes into labor. She can get me wherever I am. I mean, all she has to do is to dial 55-JIMBO. go into labor进入分娩 Phoebe: Will he know what this is in reference to? (Listens) And he has your number? (Listens) All right, I'll see that he gets the message. Bye bye. in reference to adv.关于/see that v.确保 保证 Rachel: Just a touch. Mon, I don't understand. I mean, you've been dating this guy since like his midterms? I mean, why all of the sudden are you so... Oh. just a touch adv.只是一点点/midterm n.期中考试 Ross: (on phone) Yeah, you want 55-JUMBO. Yeah, that's right. That's right, JUMBO with a U, sir. (pause) No, believe me, you don't want me. Judging by his number, I'd be a huge disappointment. (pause) All rightie, bye bye. jumbo n.庞然大物/自从有了55-JIMBO的呼机后,Ross经常被别人打错号码问是否提供性服务。所以他解释中间不是U的字母。Jumbo是一头名为Jumbo的大象。它在伦敦展出帮主人赚了不少钱。也许就是因为这头超大体型的象,在美国,当你走在超市里,一定会注意到不少商品的包装上面印有Jumbo的字。这不是哪个品牌,而是"超大号"的意思。 Young Ethan: Well, think about it. It's always on the news. 'A man is being held up at gunpoint.' 'Tourists are being terrorised, at gunpoint.' And I just kept thinking: why does people continue to go there? (He checks his watch.) Oh, ah. I should go. be held up v.被控制/terrorise v.充满恐惧 Monica: Okay, is this like 'I have an early class tomorrow' or 'I'm secretly married to a goat?' goat n.色鬼 Monica: What we did was wrong. Oh god, I just had sex with somebody that wasn't alive during the Bicentennial. bicentennial n.二百周年纪念/Bicentennial 这里指美国独立两百周年,也就是1976年。莫尼卡交了一个小男朋友,后来她觉得不妥,因为她发现小男友居然在两百周年时还没有出生。/Independence Day:1777年7月4日 Monica: Well,fall out of it. You know, you shouldn't even be here, it's a school night. Oh god, oh god. I'm like those women that you see with shiny guys named Chad. I'm Joan Collins. fall out of v.放弃 远离/Joan Collins 莫尼卡发现自己很像著名美女明星钟歌莲丝(Joan Collins),居然在和一个小男生谈恋爱。钟歌莲丝是著名的性感影星,生活作风随便,她一度有一个外号叫做英国公开赛 。 Chandler: Oh, why not. Was I doing anything particularly... saucy? particularly adv.极其地/saucy adj.淫秽的 有伤风化的 Joey: Listen, the next time you talk to him, can you ask him which one the strongest Power Ranger is? Power Rangers is a long-running American children's television series adapted from the Japanese tokusatsu Super Sentai Series, though it is not simply an English dub of the original. Rather, it is a "new" production with English-speaking actors spliced in with the original Japanese footage in varying ratios. Due to the very Japanese nature of many of the Super Sentai Series' stories and design, the American shows are altered to fit a Western audience. However, many of the action sequences featuring the characters in costume and the mecha (referred to as "Zords" in the English series) are typically dubbed.恐龙战队 Ross: It's morphin' time! morph n.变体 变身 Joey: Stegosaurus! Stegosaurus n.剑龙 Chandler: Tyrannosaurus! Tyrannosaurus n.暴龙 Phoebe: No, I know. That's a part of the whole, you know, them-not-liking-you-extravaganza. extravaganza n.狂妄的言行 异乎寻常的事物 Chandler: I think last night was great. You know, the Karaoke thing. Tracy and I doing Ebony and Ivory. ebony n.乌木/Ivory n.象牙 Monica: That was gonna be my opener. opener n.开场白 Rachel: (understands that Monica and Ethan wanna be alone) Hey, did you guys check out those new hand-dryers in the bathroom? hand-dryer n.手吹风机 Ross: I thought that was just a rumor. rumor n.谣传 Young Ethan: All right, look. I've gotta tell you something. I'm not 17. I only said so that you'd think I was cute and vulnerable. I'm actually 30, I have a wife, I have a job, I'm your Congressman. Monica, this is ridiculous, we're great together. We can talk, we make each other laugh, and the sex. Oh, man, okay I have no frame of graft, but I thought that was great. vulnerable adj.脆弱的 易受伤的/美国国会议员(尤指众议院议员)/graft n.嫁接/frame of graft n.frame of reference 参照系 Monica: Ethan, it's um... it's icky. icky adj.Strange or freaky to the extreme Petrie: Loved your Stevie Wonder last night. Stevie Wonder (born Stevland Hardaway Judkins on May 13, 1950, name later changed to Stevland Hardaway Morris) is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and record producer. A prominent figure in popular music during the latter half of the 20th century, Wonder has recorded more than thirty top ten hits, won 26 Grammy Awards(a record for a solo artist), plus one for lifetime achievement, won an Academy Award for Best Song and been inducted(vt.正是就任) into both the Rock and Roll and Songwriters halls of fame. He has also been awarded the Polar Music Prize. Ross: Monica, let's go. Come on now people, woman in labor. in labor adv.在分娩中