15 The Napping House

15 The Napping House

2014-08-20    04'29''

主播: 儿童英语听力

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欢迎关注微信公众号 [儿童英语听力] The Napping House By Audrey Wood Illustrated by Don Wood There is a house, a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And in that house there is a bed, a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that bed there is a granny, a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, Where everyone is sleeping. And on that granny there is a child, a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that child, there is a dog, a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that dog there is a cat, a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house, where everyone is sleeping. And on that cat there is a mouse, a slumbering mouse on a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house. where everyone is sleeping. And on that mouse There is a flea….. Can it be? a wakeful flea on a slumbering mouse on a snoozing cat on a dozing dog on a dreaming child on a snoring granny on a cozy bed in a napping house. where everyone is sleeping. A wakeful flea who bites the mouse, who scares the cat, who claws the dog, who thumps the child, who bumps the granny, who breaks the bed, in the napping house, where no one is sleeping.
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