【day 28】Fear is your biggest obstacle

【day 28】Fear is your biggest obstacle

2021-11-12    02'38''

主播: 杨柳青青

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1. Fear is your biggest obstacle — fear of failure, fear of the judgment of others; fear of actually succeeding. Fear will trip you up every time. 恐惧是最大的障碍一对失败的恐惧,对他人评价的恐惧,对真正获得成功的恐惧。恐惧时时会把你绊倒。 2. The warfare is in your mind. It's not on your checkbook. And it's not in your savings account. It's not on your job. The fight that you've got to fight is in your mind. And if you whip it in your head, you can whip it in your checkbook. 真正的战争就在你的心里。它和你的支票本无关,和你的银行账户无关,和你的工作无关。你要去迎接的战斗,就在你的心里。如果你能打赢这场仗,你就能摆脱财务上的压力。 3. Life is abundant when you Believe, trust and let go. No expectations. If it comes, great. If it doesn’t, great. Either way you are blessed, content and happy. 当你相信、信任和放手时,生活会变得丰富多彩。不要期望太高,如果它来了,很好。如果没有,也很好。无论哪种方式,你都是有福的,满足的,幸福的。