

2016-04-16    08'23''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

455 21

This is Gossie. Gossie is a gosling. 这是小鸭谷西,谷西是只小鸭子。 A small, yellow gosling who likes to wear bright red boots. Every day. 一只黄色的爱穿着红靴子的小鸭子。 She wears them when she eats. She wears them when she sleeps. 她吃饭睡觉都会穿着那双靴子。 She wears them when she rides. She wears them when she hides. 就连她在骑马和躲猫猫的时候,也会穿着那双红靴子。 But what Gossie really loves is to wear her bright red boots when she goes for walks everyday. 但谷西真正喜欢的是每天踩着那双红靴子出去散步。 She walks backward. She walks forward. She walks uphill She walks downhill. 她穿着心爱的靴子前后踱步,上山下山。 She walks in the rain. She walks in the snow. 她风雨无阻地穿着那双靴子。 Gossie loves to wear her bright red boots everyday. One morning Gossie could not find her bright red boots. 谷西超爱她那双红靴子,但是有一天却找不着它们了。 She looked everywhere, under the bed. Over the wall. In the barn. Under the hens. 她四处找遍了也没找着。 Gossie looked and looked for her bright red boots. They were gone. Gossip was heartbroken. 谷西怎么也找不着靴子。它的心都要碎了。 Then she saw them. They were walking on someone else’s feet! 终于看到那双靴子了。可是它们却被别人穿走啦。 “Great boots!” Said Gertie. Gossip smiled. 原来是被谷西的朋友穿走了,“这双靴子很赞哟” Gossie is a gosling. A small, yellow gosling who likes to wear bright red boots. Almost every day.