7只瞎老鼠(seven blind mice)(中英文)

7只瞎老鼠(seven blind mice)(中英文)

2016-04-22    09'54''

主播: Candy英文绘本故事

439 13

One day seven blind mice were surprised to find a strange something by their pond. “What is it?” they cried, and they all ran home. 一天,七支小老鼠很惊讶地发现在他们的池塘边有个奇怪的东西。 “这是什么呀?”可是吓到他们了。 On Monday, Red mouse went first to find out. “it’s a pillar” he said. No one believed him. 周一的时候,红老鼠去一看究竟。他信誓旦旦地说“哦,这不就是一只柱子吗?” 可是没有一个人相信它。 On Tuesday, Green Mouse set out. He was the second to go. “It’s a snake”, he said. 周二的时候,绿老鼠也去看了。他觉得那个东西应该是条蛇。 “No.” Said Yellow Mouse on Wednesday. “It’s a spear” he was the third in turn… 周三的时候,黄老鼠信心满满地说”这绝对是支长茅呀!” The fourth was Purple Mouse. He went on Thursday. “It’s a great cliff”. He said.. 周四的时候,紫老鼠也去了,他认为“这是悬崖峭壁才对吧!” Orange Mouse went on Friday, the fifth to go. “It’s a fan!” he cried. “I felt it move” 周五的时候,桔色的老鼠也跑去看了,“这肯定是电风扇,它会动呢!” The sixth to go was Blue Mouse. He went on Saturday and said, “it’s nothing but a rope.” 周六的时候,蓝老鼠也去了,它不屑地说“这不就是这条绳子嘛” But the others didn’t agree. They began to argue. “A snake!” “A rope!” “A fan!” “A cliff” 这几只老鼠啊,各持己见,争论不休。 Until on Sunday, White Mouse, The seventh mouse, went to the pond. 直到星期天,白老鼠也去了池塘。 When she came upon the something, she ran up one side, and she ran down the other. She ran across the top and from end to end. 白老鼠围着池塘左右踱步,前后打量。 “Ah,” said White Mouse, “Now, I see. The something is as sturdy as a pillar, supple as a snake. wide as a cliff, sharp as a spear, breezy as a fan, stringy as a rope, but altogether the something is an elephant!” “ 哦,我明白了!”白老鼠恍然大悟道:“这个像柱子一样坚硬,像蛇一样柔软,像悬崖一般宽厚,又如长矛一样尖锐,风扇一样凉爽,绳子一般坚韧的不正是大象吗?“ And when the other mice ran up one side and down the other, across the something from end to end. They agreed. Now they saw,too. 然后,其它老鼠也就茅塞顿开了。。。。 Knowing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole. 所以呀,做事不能鼠目寸光,要有总揽全局的智慧哟。