

2015-08-14    03'04''

主播: 手脚妈妈(Rose)

204 1

Don't try so hard to be respectable. Speak from your heart about what you truly believe, even if it makes you look naïve or sentimental. 不要太用力去得到社会的认可。倾听你内心真正相信的东西,即使这会让你看起来天真或伤感。 You can radically change your life when/if you need to. You don't need to keep doing what you have been doing, just because you are in the habit of doing it. 你可以彻底改变你的生活,只要你想去改变。你不需要因为习惯了做一件事,就继续做下去。 Being friendly and open to meeting new people in random places can lead to cool adventures and friendships. Don't get too comfortable in your present circles of acquaintances. 对在任何地方遇到的陌生人都抱着开放和友好的态度,可能会给你带来炫酷的经历和友情。别太陷在你现在的熟人圈子里。 You need way less money than you think to survive, stop obsessing about it, and just spend less. 生活必需的钱比你想象得要少得多,不要迷恋钱,少花就是。 It's OK not to know what you want to do for the rest of your life. Leave space for the completely unexpected to happen. 你不知道自己余生想做什么也OK,刚好为完全未知的事情留出空间。 God loves you even more because you are a bit of a freak. Don't hide your light under a button-down bushel. 如果你有一点疯狂,上帝会更爱你的。千万不要掩藏你的才华。